P1 Week Beginning 23/04/18

We had a lovely trip to the beach – what a nice way to start our first week back.

Reading: All children will have new reading books this week, please see the red card as usual and continue to help them learn their words in their word tins.

Numeracy: Last week we were learning about ordinal numbers (first, second, third…1st, 2nd, 3rd etc) they will have some homework connected with this.

Literacy: We are finishing the consonant blends this week so will be learning ‘sp, st and sw’.

Please see the green book for this week’s common words…again these can be learned however suits your child, it does not need to be completed in the jotter.

Show and Tell: This term we will be doing a more formal Show and Tell. Each child will be told when they are to do Show and Tell, what it is to be about and what is expected. As this is about early presentation skills I will be talking to them about: Speaking clearly, a minimum of three sentences, looking at the audience and being able to properly show the subject of their Show and Tell. I will be sending a rota home with the dates each child will do theirs and the subject. Please help your child to learn how to present their Show and Tell.

PE is on a Tuesday Morning and Monday afternoons this term.

Please make sure your child has their indoor shoes at school, their PE kit, and as the weather is getting warmer, a water bottle.

From Monday 30th April Miss Cummings will be taking responsibility of the class until the end of May.

Lisa Cumming


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