Primary 3 Homework – 24th April to 1st May
On Wednesday afternoon we will be going for our walk around Loanhead, finding different kinds of houses and spotting ways that homes have been made energy efficient.
This week I would particularly highlight the numeracy game mentioned below. We have been working on this in class and everyone seems keen to have more shots without having to take turns with the rest of the class!
Best wishes,
Mr Buchan
Moving on in our work on fractions, we have been identifying different fractions of shapes and grids.
To help with this, the children can play a game called Fractions Flags.
This game can be tricky, but with support the children should get the hang of it and end up with some amazing creations!
I will also set a fractions challenge on SumDog.
Reading grids will come home today. Please look out also for comprehension quizzes to be finished.
Some pupils have been racing ahead and finishing their books in class time. If this happens, please can I recommend that you still hear them reading pages out loud at home. The practice of sounding out word and allowing reading to be guided by the punctuation is very valuable.
Spelling – Please could we practice the following words and then use them in some sentences:
pollution electricity
energy solar
double glazing
power insulation