P5 Week Beginning 17/01/22

Dear Parents / Carers,

It has been a lovely first week back and I think the children have all been happy to be back. Apologies for the long post this week!

P.E. Reminder MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY: Please make sure children are dressed appropriately and are prepared to be outside should this happen. 

Mandarin: Wednesday as usual.

School lunches: As you may be aware P5 are now entitled to free school lunches. At the moment we are still eating in class but a hot option is available from next week. I will collate children’s choices every morning for the kitchen.

Milk Money: This must be returned to school by Monday 17th at the latest.

Scottish Topic: As we are close to the annual Burns’ Celebrations we are exploring various aspects of history and life in Scotland; this is a whole school topic. Every child has a Scottish poem to learn. Please support them in learning this and adding any actions, expression, props so that they can perform in front of the class and possibly be selected to perform for our annual Scot’s Poetry Recital Competition.

Chromebook Consent Form: If you have not already done so please could you complete the consent form so that your child can receive their device when they are distributed from the council. These are to be used at school and at home. Please see the following information from Mrs Hinton and link to the form:

“Thank you to the families who have already filled out the forms as part of the exciting Midlothian Council scheme to allocate each child  with a learning device. So far, 65% of pupils are enrolled to be allocated devices when the time comes.

Please see below for more information.  There is a form to fill out which takes around 5 minutes.  If possible, please enter the midlothian.education username and password for your child (they know this as they use it to log in to chromebooks at school).  The form can be done without this but it does make the process quicker if you use it.  Every child has been given this!  (P5’s is on a green card)

Parental Acknowledgement Form (must be completed ASAP).


There are answers to frequently asked questions on the Equipped for Learning site, as well as useful contacts should you wish to discuss the scheme further.”

Homework: Reading – see reading book as usual.

Spelling – see homework jotter for spelling words and focus sound pattern.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming l.cumming@midlothian.education



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