Happy new year

Happy new year to all our lovely families! Not the start to the year we were hoping for. We hope everyone is staying safe.
We are missing all the children. But we have been lucky to see some of our nursery children while their parents are busy being keyworkers. Some of the staff are busy working in the nursery , while some are busy working from home. Parents can contact us via email .

We plan to share some ideas and activities weekly on the website and hope you will share your learning with us too.

As the snow is here again, we would like to share some fun ideas you could try.
Playing in the snow is such a great opportunity for children to spend time outdoors being creative.
There is lots of opportunities for learning too.

Maybe you could explore the footsteps in the snow – how many footprints can you count ?? Can you find the footprints that match a member of your family? Who has the biggest , smallest footprint? Can you find any unusual prints in the snow ? Who do they belong to?

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Or can you use your finger or find a stick to make marks in the snow , maybe you can make a letter from your name,  number , pattern or picture?
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Here is a link to our favourite way to wind down and relax in the nursery (why not get the whole family to join in) . This is a great way to teach the importance of mindfulness and making time to relax and unwind every day.

This link is to a lovely winter story.

Remember reading to your child will open their imagination and help them understand the world , develop their listening and language skills. Take some time to read every day if you can.

A great skill to work on with your children while at home is being able to put their own coat on by them self .Watch this video for a catchy song and great trick to teach them in a fun way.

We would love to see some photographs of the children having fun in the snow or any other home learning, please send them to us .

A reminder you can also follow us on twitter . Loanhead Nursery (@NurseryLoanhead)
We hope to see you all soon.
Take care
Love from all the nursery staff
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