Primary 5 new year information 6.1.20

Happy New year everyone!

We hope that you have had a relaxing and enjoyable break ready for the new year ahead.  This week we will be reflecting and target setting in preparation for learning trios next month.

Homework – There will be spelling and reading homework this week and pupils have a choice of 3 Scots poems to learn – perform and recite on 22nd January.  All pupils are expected to use these 3 weeks to learn their poem to recite for their classmates.  This is not intended to be stressful and if all pupils try then this is an equally daunting achievement for them all which will help develop their presentation skills.

see here for the choice of Scots Poems

PE – is Tuesday and Thursday again this term and we have Music on a Monday

In Maths we will be revising skills from last year as well as beginning to look at shape and fractions.  Please continue to support your child with their mental maths at home to develop more speed and accuracy.

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