P3 Homework and Health week Info

Health week Monday 5th-Friday 9th June

This week will be jam packed with all things healthy! Children are encouraged to come to school in sports clothes as there will be sporting activities on every day. We will also be doing lots of work in class to promote our mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing including healthy lifestyles, relationships and food.

REMINDER-Sports Day is on Monday afternoon. Starts at 1pm (weather permitting).

Health Week HomeworkImage result for health week

Below are 3 healthy tasks to complete.

Task 1

Five a day challenge! Aim to eat five portions of fruit and vegetables every day. Complete the chart by writing in what you have eaten. Use this to practise spelling the names of common fruit and veg correctly.

Task 2 

Keep a diary of the exercise you have completed over the week. This can be activities at school, after school clubs, playing with friends, walking the dog……anything that gets you moving.

Task 3

Plan a healthy meal worksheet.

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