P1 Homework week beginning 16/01/17

Sounds: We are about to learn the last six sounds from the Jolly Phonics Programme, these will come home in their bags over this week and next. Please continue to recap the sounds they have learnt already.

Reading: New books will come home on Monday with associated words and tasks.

Show and Tell: An information sheet regarding Show and Tell will be in their homework bags. Three children will be selected to do show and tell on a Friday morning each week. They will be told on Monday so they can prepare for it. Please help your child to develop their skills in listening and talking by encouraging them to add detail and interest to their talk when it is their turn.

Topic: As it is Scottish month the children will have a Scottish rhyme or poem to learn at home. As a school we are having a Scottish poetry recital competition. Please help your child to learn their poem.

We would welcome any donations of newspaper please.

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