P2 Homework/Events W/B 7.3.16

Events this week:

Tuesday – Drumming workshop

Thursday and Friday – PE


Reading – Last week, during the focus for World Book Day, all children showed great concentration and enthusiasm for reading. To keep up this momentum, I would like all children to have their own chosen reading material in school for times known as ERIC (Everyone Reads In Class).I will talk to the children about this on Monday. As children progress, they should be encouraged to read for pleasure each day for at least 20 minutes. Reading homework is as usual so please check the green homework bags daily.

Spelling/Handwriting – the focus this week is ‘oi’ as in oil, boil etc.

NumeracyOdd and Even numbers- Investigations and poster task

  • In order that children fully understand that even numbers are divisible by 2 and odd numbers are not, please can you practise odd/evens in everyday tasks at home eg. your child could help to pair up socks or shoes; counting fruit and deciding if the number is odd/even by pairing up or seeing if he/she can make two equal groups. Be imaginative but try and use normal everyday tasks to do this!
  • Make a visual aid/poster displaying information about odd and even numbers up to 20 or 100 or even beyond. Highlight the fact that numbers that end with 0,2,4,6 or 8 are even and obviously, those that end with 1,3,5,7 or 9, are odd.

I look forward to discussing the odd/even investigative tasks children did at home and displaying the posters around the class.

Thanks in advance for your support,

Miss Brunt



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