🌡️ The weather is starting to change and the temperatures are starting to drop. Please ensure your child comes to school with a jacket and suitable outdoor shoes for outside breaks.
We have a new teacher who joined us in P1 last week, Mrs Addie, and she will be in class again this week too. Mrs Beattie is still supporting P1 when needed.
P.E – The class have gym on Tuesday and Wednesday with Ms Simpson.
Phonics – This week we will be learning the sounds h and r. Please complete these two sound sheets in the phonics home learning booklet for Friday.
Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night. Children will have a book Mon-Tues and then a new book Wed – Thurs. Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading.
We are continuing to learn about 2D and 3D shapes. This week is Maths Week, so we will be learning about how we use maths in real life.
📚 Primary 1 are going on their first trip to the library on Friday. We will be having a story read to us and get the chance to all pick out a book to have in class. It will be very exciting!
📷 Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc this will help make our home corner more meaningful.
🚌 We are also looking for a helper for our trip to Rosslyn Chapel. This would be on Wednesday 25th October, leaving school around 9:10/15am and returning before 12pm. Please email the school office or speak to one of us, if you would be happy to volunteer.
Letters for Learning Trios will be given out on Monday (25th), please fill in and return ASAP.
Thank you,
Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie