Thank you so much to everyone who attended their Learning Trio appointment, it was lovely working with yourselves and your child to create targets for the rest of the academic year. These target sheets will be sent home later on in the week.
Just a gentle reminder that children should only be bringing water in their bottles and any toys should be put into school bags before they come into school or taken home. Thank you.
Reading: Children will bring home their book and the reading pages written in their green record should be completed that night.
Phonics/Spelling: Children will be bringing home a spelling jotter on TUESDAY with the instructions on how to complete their spelling homework glued inside. This should be handed in on Friday.
The children have learned all of their P1 sounds, please find the sounds we have learned below.
We have also had a lot of focus on our handwriting and letter formation. We have been learning little rhymes to help us with our formation, please find these here. Letter-formation-chart
P.E – Children now have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday with Miss Simpson. Please ensure your child brings a P.E kit to change into.
French: Mrs Lynch is going to start teaching French to the class every Thursday.
*We would like to make a P1 Family wall display in the classroom. Please hand in or email me any photos of your child with you all, we would love to make a lovely display in our class.*
Dates for the Diary!
P1 Library Visits:
- Friday 24th February
- Friday 10th March
- Friday 31st March
- Friday 5th May
- Friday 9th June
- Friday 23rd June
P1 Stay and Play:
- Friday 3rd March
- Friday 19th May
- Friday 16th June
I hope you all had a lovely, restful February break.
Miss Lauren Waller