😊 P1 Info 6.11.23

🔤 Phonics – This week we will be learning the ‘f’ and ‘b’ sound. Please complete these two sheets for Friday. Just a reminder to only complete the sound sheets that we are learning so the children can practise the letter formation correctly.

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

P.E is on Tuesday and Wednesday morning.

⭐Other info

Poppies are being sold this week in school for a minimum donation of £1.

📚 Scottish Book Week is next week and each pupil will bring home a BookBug Bag filled with lovely books to share with their grown-ups. We will also have Drop Everything And Read sessions daily.

📷 Remember you can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

Friday 10th November – P7 Remembrance Assembly

🍫 Friday 24th November – Dress down day, please bring chocolate for the chocolate tombola. We are also going to the library!

🎄Friday 1st December – Christmas Fair (12:30pm – 2pm)

🎶 Monday 11th December – P1 and P2 Nativity for P1 and P2 parents (2.30pm)

🎄Wednesday 13th December – School Christmas lunch

🎄Tuesday 19th December – P1/2 Christmas Party. Children can bring in party clothes in a named bag or their school bag, to change into in the afternoon. Please do not send your child to school in party clothes because children use glue, paint etc. throughout the day and they may end up very messy before the party!

🎄Friday 22nd December – whole school visit to church for Christmas service

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie


🕸️ P1 info 30.10.23

Hi all,

The weather is getting much colder and wetter, please ensure your child has a jacket and outdoor/indoor shoes too.

🔤 Phonics – This week we will be learning the ‘u’ and ‘l’ sound. Please complete these two sheets for Friday. Just a reminder to only complete the sound sheets that we are learning so the children can practise the letter formation correctly.

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night. Children cannot progress onto books with words until they know all of their key words. Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

P.E will be on Tuesday and Thursday morning this week.

⭐Other info

📚 Learning Trio forms were handed out on Thursday last week.  We will include some useful resources that may be helpful for home learning towards targets. Use those which you feel would best support your child at their current stage and then add as you go along . e.g. Use the sound cards for sounds we have learned only or use stage 1 words and add some stage 2 words each week.

🚌 We are going to the Library on Friday for our second visit!

‼️ Flu Vaccinations – Monday 6th November.

📷 Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🎄Friday 1st December – Christmas Fair (12:30pm – 2pm)

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie

⭐ P1 info 9.10.23

🧥 Please ensure your child comes to school with a jacket and suitable outdoor shoes for outside breaks.

👟 Health Week – This week the children have lots of exciting activities planned by Ms Simpson, so the children can come to school wearing sporty clothes all week. Please see below for details of the week.


  • Bike Breakfast, children can scoot/bike to school for 8:30am and get breakfast in the dining hall.
  • Nike Warm-up
  • Football Taster
  • Bike course (children can bring their bikes and scooters to school to participate in this.)


  • Basketball Taster
  • Karate Taster
  • P.E.


  • Nike Warm-up
  • P.E
  • Treasure hunt


  • Nike warm-up

🔤 Phonics – This week we will be revising the sounds we have learned and working on our blending/segmenting. There is no phonics homework this week but flashcards of the last phase of sounds learned will be sent home.

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night. Children cannot progress onto books with words until they know all of their key words. Reading to be completed will be written in your child’s yellow diary daily. Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

⭐Other info

📚 Thank you to those who attended their learning trio on Friday, it was lovely to see you all and talk about your child’s learning. The next learning trios will take place on Wednesday 11th October. If you are unable to make your appointment, please get in touch with the school office to discuss this.

🚜  P1/2 will be performing their Harvest assembly on Thursday 12th October at 2:30pm, for parents/carers. Please note, due to space we can only accommodate two adults per child (this includes if you have a child in each class). 

🥫 Harvest donations for Women’s Aid are being collected until Friday 13th October. They can be brought in by your child or dropped off at the school office.

📷 Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🚌Wednesday 25th October – P1 Trip to Rosslyn Chapel.

School finishes on Friday 13th October at 12:25pm and pupils resume on Tuesday 24th October at 8:50am.

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie

Harvest Collection

Loanhead Primary will be gratefully receiving donations for Womens Aid, for our Harvest collection. They are a wonderful charity who are always truly grateful for everything we can give. This year we are looking for donations such as:

  • Dried/Canned/Non-perishable food (pasta, tinned vegetables etc)
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Shower gel/soap/shampoo
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

Please can all donations be brought to school by Friday 13th October. 

Thank you


Camp survey for P1-4 parents

Thanks to those parents who completed our survey about future camp options for P5 and P7.  We would like as many P1-4 parents to complete it as possible to ensure we have a full view of responses.

We are only asking P1-4 parents to complete the survey because current P5-7 pupils already have their camp options organised.

The survey is very short 🙂 please use the link below to complete it before 4.10.23.


🎃 P1 info 2.10.23

Hi all,

We had a wonderful trip to the library on Friday and the children had a great time picking out a book to bring back to class.

🧥 Please ensure your child comes to school with a jacket and suitable outdoor shoes for outside breaks.

👟 P.E – The class have gym on Tuesday and Wednesday with Ms Simpson.

🔤 Phonics – This week we will be learning the sounds m and d. Please  complete these two sound sheets in the phonics home learning booklet for Friday. 

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night. Children cannot progress onto books with words until they know all of their key words. Reading to be completed will be written in your child’s yellow diary daily. Apologies that all children had the same book for the week, we had a very, very busy week!                         Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

⭐Other info

📚 Learning Trios will take place on Friday 6th and Wednesday 11th October. Appointments will be handed out on Monday (2nd). If you are unable to make your appointment, please get in touch with the school office to discuss this.

🚜  P1/2 will be performing their Harvest assembly on Thursday 12th October at 2:30pm, for parents/carers. Please note, due to space we can only accommodate two adults per child (this includes if you have a child in each class). 

🥫 Harvest donations for Women’s Aid are being collected until Friday 13th October. They can be brought in by your child or dropped off at the school office.

📷 Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🚌Wednesday 25th October – P1 Trip to Rosslyn Chapel.

🎄 Christmas Card designs were sent home on Friday. Please see the post below for more information about how to order.

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie

🌰 P1 info 25.9.23

🌡️ The weather is starting to change and the temperatures are starting to drop. Please ensure your child comes to school with a jacket and suitable outdoor shoes for outside breaks.

We have a new teacher who joined us in P1 last week, Mrs Addie, and she will be in class again this week too. Mrs Beattie is still supporting P1 when needed.

👟 P.E – The class have gym on Tuesday and Wednesday with Ms Simpson.

🔤 Phonics – This week we will be learning the sounds h and r. Please  complete these two sound sheets in the phonics home learning booklet for Friday. 

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  Children will have a book Mon-Tues and then a new book Wed – Thurs. Book-bags should be brought to school everyday for reading. 

🧮 Maths/Number

We are continuing to learn about 2D and 3D shapes. This week is Maths Week, so we will be learning about how we use maths in real life.

⭐Other info

📚 Primary 1 are going on their first trip to the library on Friday. We will be having a story read to us and get the chance to all pick out a book to have in class. It will be very exciting!

📷 Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.

🚌 We are also looking for a helper for our trip to Rosslyn Chapel. This would be on Wednesday 25th October, leaving school around 9:10/15am and returning before 12pm. Please email the school office or speak to one of us, if you would be happy to volunteer. 

📄 Letters for Learning Trios will be given out on Monday (25th), please fill in and return ASAP. 

Thank you,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie


🍁P1 info 19.9.23

Hi all,

We hope you have had an enjoyable and restful long weekend.

👟 P.E – The class have gym on Tuesday and Wednesday with Ms Simpson.

🔤 Phonics – Last week, we started to focus on segmenting and blending words using our first set of sounds (s.a.t.i.p.n). This week we will be learning the sounds c/k and e. Please  complete these two sound sheets in the phonics home learning booklet for Friday. 

📖 Reading

Please continue to support your child to learn their key words and read every night.  This week all children will have the same book Tues – Fri.

🧮 Maths/Number

We have been learning all about 2D shapes and will be moving on to learn about 3D shapes. We will continue to do lots of counting to 20 and finding the number before/after. Children will also be learning to use the part/whole model with numbers to 10. For example, 5 can be broken apart as 5 and 0, 4 and 1, 3 and 2.

⭐Other info

Please can you provide a photo of your family, pets etc  this will help make our home corner more meaningful.


📄 Letters for SeeSaw and Roslin trip should be returned ASAP. We are also looking for a helper for our trip to Rosslyn Chapel. This would be on Wednesday 25th October, leaving school around 9:10/15am and returning before 12pm. Please email the school office or speak to one of us, if you would be happy to volunteer. 

P1/2 will be starting to think about their Harvest assembly performance later this week and some children may come home with lines to learn. Please support your child to say their lines with a loud and clear voice.

📷 School photos are on Thursday 21st September.

Thank you for your continued support,

Miss Waller and Mrs Beattie