Next week is Maths Week Scotland and Bike to School Week! We will have lots of Maths activities which will explore the use of maths in real life.
For Bike to School Week, the P5/6/7 will get a visit from the smoothie bike on Monday and on Wednesday we will be having a ‘Bling your Bike’ day! The children can decorate their bike however they like and then bring it into school.
P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon.. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. (outside).
Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. For Maths Week, I have entered the class into the ‘Maths Week Scotland’ competition on Sumdog. The class glued their Sumdog passwords into their reading records today, so please do log onto Sumdog this week to take part in the competition as their numeracy homework.
As always, we will have our ZOOM assembly on Friday at 11:30am.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Lauren Waller
Please note the change in my email address: