P6 Week Beginning 15.11.21

Hi all, 

Thank you to everyone who contributed to our PoppyScotland collection, the P7’s led a beautiful and very respectful assembly on Thursday. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

There will be no Mandarin on Wednesday. 

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and reading activities. This week, the reading task will be either based on your child’s book or a reading skill. 


  • Primary 6 have organised Children in Need this year. There will be a dress down day on Friday (19th) for a suggested donation of £1. Throughout the week, at break times, the children have a chance to ‘Guess how many sweets are in the tub?’ for 50p a guess. The closest guess wins the sweets on Friday! 
  • We will also be leading the assembly on Friday which is very exciting. 
  • Children are now able to get hot meals from the dining hall, if they wish. Please pay for this in advance through parent pay and your child will have this lunch in the dining hall. However, if they wish to still bring in a packed lunch, they can and they will eat this in the classroom. 
  • Christmas Tea Towel orders have to be brought into school by Wednesday 17th November. 
  • Last week, P6 were given ski letters as we have the fantastic chance to go for skiing lessons in January!! Please return these by FRIDAY 19th November.
  • Today, children took home letters about food allergies/intolerances. These letters MUST be filled out and brought to school ASAP. 

Thank you all for your support. 

Miss Lauren Waller 


🌟SCHOOL TEA TOWELS – Parent Council Fundraiser 🌟

This information will be sent home in paper form on Wednesday 12th of November.  We appreciate the tight timing but for Christmas orders this is the deadline.

Payment and order forms should be returned to teachers or office by Wednesday 17th November, in a sealed and labelled envelope.

You can always print the form below and hand into the office with payment and in a sealed envelope.



Dear Parents/Guardians,

As part of the Parent Council’s fundraising this term, the children are designing brilliant tea towels showing a collage of self-portraits. It will make a great present for family and friends or for you to hold on to as a keepsake!  Due to numbers, there will be a choice to order an upper atrium towel (P5-7 children) or a lower atrium one (P1-4).

The product is 45% cotton and 55% linen and is high quality. The cost of each tea towel is £5. As the towels will be printed to order, please complete the order form below and hand it in to the office with your payment in cash (exact change), and in a clearly labelled, sealed envelope, by Wednesday 17th of November to ensure that we beat the Christmas rush!

Thanks very much and we hope you like them!

The Parent Council

P6 Week Beginning 8.11.21


The weather is getting a lot colder, so please ensure your child comes to school with a warm, waterproof jacket and suitable shoes. We still have to keep our windows open in class, so children can bring an extra jumper in to wear in class too. 

On Monday, we have our third workshop with Dunedin Consort. 

We have P.E. on Monday and Wednesday. 

The children won’t have any Mandarin for the next two weeks.

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task will be adding and subtracting decimals, as this is our focus for the week. 

All Learning Trio targets from this week will be sent home with children on Monday.

We have our Remembrance assembly from P7 on Thursday, and poppies will be on sale this week. Initially, children can only buy one poppy and the suggested donation is £1, but please remember that this is only suggested. 

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Lauren Waller 


P6 Week Beginning 1.11.21

Hi all,  

P6 has another very busy week ahead! 

On Monday afternoon, we have our second session with Dunedin consort. 

 P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. and has a water bottle, filled with water only. 

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task will be practising rounding decimals to the nearest whole number, tenth or hundredth. 

Mandarin with Miss Sun is on Wednesday afternoon.

We will have our ZOOM assembly on Friday at 10am and P6 will be sharing their learning about fire safety, and Bonfire night at it.

Learning Trios: On Friday, your child brought home their Learning Trio appointment slip. If this appointment is unsuitable, then please get in touch with the school office. Please remember that if you wish to change your appointment to a phone call, this will be on a different day, and not Wednesday or Friday. Please note, if you are attending a face to face appointment, that it should only be yourself and your child at the appointment. We will be using the classroom door as our entrance/exit, keeping a safe distance, wiping down surfaces and wearing masks to keep everyone safe. 

I look forward to seeing you all on either Wednesday 3rd or Friday 5th November.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, if you need anything. 

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Week Beginning 26.10.21


I hope you all had a wonderful and restful October break. The children had lots of fun things to share today, and it all sounded like a lot of fun. 

We have come back to school with a very busy week! Today (Tuesday), we became scientists and designed our own carbon net zero towns, and had a call from the National Mining Museum to discuss our ideas. I was so impressed by how many brilliant ideas the children came up with! Then, after this we started our first workshop with Dunedin Consort, we will be working towards creating our own composition, which will then be performed by them later in the year. These workshops will run in school for a number of weeks. 

 P.E. is on Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. and has a water bottle, filled with water only. 

Homework will be handed out on Tuesday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task is a revision of multiplication, through a fun Halloween activity. 

Mandarin with Miss Sun is on Wednesday afternoon and on Thursday, we have the fantastic opportunity to meet a real life scientist online. It is certainly going to be a fun and busy week!


Important Letters went home with your child today.

  • You should have received a milk letter, which needs to be returned by Monday 1st November, if you wish for your child to receive milk in school.
  • A letter about guitar lessons also went home, please fill this in and return it, if your child is interested.
  • Finally, a letter regarding our Learning Trio’s was also handed out this afternoon, please complete the slip and return it to school by Friday 29th October by the latest. 

We will have our ZOOM assembly on Friday at 11:30am and the children have a dress down day too. This week is one of our Health Weeks, so we ask that the children wear clothes which make them feel happy on Friday. (For example, maybe their favourite top or a dress in their favourite colour?)

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, if you need anything. 

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Week Beginning 11.10.21

Hi all, 

 P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. and has a water bottle, filled with water only. 

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task will be a revision of basic number patterns. 

For our Harvest collection, we will be collecting donations of non-perishable items and toiletries for Women’s Aid. Any donations will be gratefully received and should be brought in by Friday.

Whole class photos will be taken on either Wednesday or Thursday, please ensure your child comes with a school sweatshirt on these days. 

The weather is getting colder and wetter, so please make sure your child comes to school with suitable shoes and a coat for this weather. In addition, the classroom windows still need to be open for ventilation, so children may wish to bring in an extra jumper/hoody to keep warm. 

We will have our ZOOM assembly on Friday at 11:30am.

Holiday Reminder: School closes on Friday  15th October at 12:25pm and children will return to school on Tuesday 26th October. 

I wish you all a relaxing and enjoyable October holiday, when it comes! 

Miss Lauren Waller


Harvest Collection

Dear Parents/Guardians, 

Next week we are beginning to collect donations for our Harvest collection. All donations will be for Women’s Aid, based here in Loanhead. Below is a list of examples of items which could be donated, please note they are only accepting non-perishable items and toiletries. Please can all donations be brought to school by Friday 15th October.

  • Shampoo, conditioner and body wash 
  • Toothbrushes and toothpaste 
  • Sanitary products 
  • Tins of soup, sauces etc. 
  • Packaged and long-life items (for example, pasta)

Thank you.

P6 Week Beginning 4.10.21

Hi all, 

The class had a wonderful week learning about how we use maths in real life and riding their bikes to school. I was so impressed by how many of them still rode their bikes to school, even in the rain! Amazing!!

 P.E. is on Monday and Wednesday afternoon. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed for P.E. and has a water bottle, filled with water only.

Homework will be handed out on Monday and should be handed in on Friday. This week, there will be spelling, reading and numeracy. This week, the numeracy task will be following on from our learning in class as we begin to learn about the value of digits up to 2 or 3 decimal places. Please ensure spelling words are spelt correctly and have been written in cursive.

The class have really been enjoying reading our class novel ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ by Michael Morpurgo, and this week they even wrote stories as if they were Michael stranded on an island. 

ZOOM assembly on Friday at 11:30am.

Thanks for all of your support, 

Miss Lauren Waller
