P1 Homework 12/12/16

This is the last week of homework until we return to school in January.

Sounds: We are doing ‘sh’ and ‘th’ this week. Children will have their usual worksheet and other work later in the week.

Reading: All children have a new reading book. Please continue to revise all words that they are given as this will help with fluency of reading. They have all been given word box 2 words to learn. These words can be sounded out and built back up. Please use the letter cards the children have to help them make the words.



Wednesday 14th: School Christmas lunch. If your child has not ordered a lunch please provide them with a packed lunch from home.

House Christmas sing-off: All children will be involved in this – singing with their ‘house’. There will be a couple of rehearsals for this.

Christmas Party 20th December: P1 and 2 will have their party together. The cost of this is £1- please send this to us in a named envelope. Children are welcome to bring party clothes to school to change into. We will have a special visitor at 2:15 – please join us for the excitement.

I will hold auditions for the campus talent show on 20th December. Only 2 children from each class will be put through to the final. If your child would like to take part please help them with their act. If they require music or costumes they will need to provide this themselves. If you need mats etc please let me know in advance.

Campus Talent Show Final: 22nd December.

Friday 23rd December: Xmas Jumper Day and Church.

Last day of term all finish at 12:00pm

This will probably be my last post until January unless I have forgotten something! Please encourage your child to continue to revise their sounds and get involved in reading books of their own choosing.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P6 spelling homework 12.12.16

Monday 12th December

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

Complete 1 activity from the sheet and complete the sheet:

Blue – 8. ‘ar’ and ‘sh’

Red – 11c and 11d

Please complete for Monday 19th December

THis will be the last spelling homework of the year!!!!

P2 Homework and 2 Week Events Reminder 12.12.16


This is a posting to cover the final two weeks of term as it is such a busy time for all. I probably won’t post next week ( unless I have forgotten something!)


Reading–  We will just finish the books we already have and no new book will be issued until January. In class we will be doing other reading tasks which do not involve homework. Please do, however, encourage your child to keep reading a variety of texts over the holidays- comics, annuals, Christmas/winter stories etc.

Spelling – this is the final week of spelling homework – List 16 ‘magic e’ (o-e). I will be checking the green jotters to mark last week’s homework later in the week.

Sumdog – I will put on a P2 Christmas 2016 Challenge for those who wish to participate. This will start running from Tuesday.

Events and Reminders – I’ve just listed dates that you need to know about but there are other in-school events such as campus sing-a-longs, House Team singing contests, Christmas activity days and much more also happening!

Talent Show

The campus talent show final is on Thursday 22nd. Only two acts from each class go through. Therefore, I will be holding P2 talent auditions on the morning of Tuesday 20th December. If your child needs music, they need to bring this in themselves. Let me know in advance if your child needs any other equipment ( gym mats, etc!)

Nativity – Monday 12th December (Doors open at 1:15pm)

The nativity performance is upon us…rehearsals have gone well. The children have worked extremely hard…all that we need now is…you!

We have asked that only two adults per child attend please. We know this can be difficult but with a cast of 49 children, the space in the hall soon fills up. No tickets required.

Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 14th

Most children have filled in the green slip about what they would like for the Christmas lunch. If you haven’t done so, please do. Children may bring a packed lunch if they prefer.

Christmas Party – Tuesday 20th ( after lunch) Cost £1

(Talent show auditions am)

P1 and P2 are having their party together. Children may wear their party clothes all day ( bear in mind they will go out to play break and lunch) or they can change into their party gear at lunchtime. We have a special visit from Santa planned at about 2:15pm, at which time you are warmly invited to attend to watch the excitement!

Thursday 22nd – Campus Talent Show Final

Friday 23rd – CHURCH service

***END OF TERM – 12 NOON***

All resume Monday 9th January 2017…which leaves me to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Miss Brunt



P1/2 Nativity 12/12/16

Primary 1 and 2 will perform their nativity play on Monday 12th December. Parents and carers of P1 and P2 are invited to the performance but please note: only 2 adults per family. Well behaved toddlers who can sit on an adults knee are welcome. Doors will be open from approximately 1:15pm and the performance will start at 1:30pm.

Primary 7 information 5/12/16

Homework for this week is due on the 9th




It would be a great idea to make sure all pupils have a school dictionary for the start of the new term as we will be using these at home and school – this is also a necessity for high school good deal here on Amazon

We also have a reverse advent calendar for Midlothian Foodbank and pupils are bringing in various food stuffs and toiletries to go in with this for the 16th of December.for more information click here

Also for Those who are applying to go to Beeslack High School – I have been asked to mention that the new handbook and transition to S1 details are on their website. Click here

P1 Homework 05/12/2016

Sounds: This week we are learning ‘y, x and ch’. Please help your child to hear the sounds in words and to write them correctly.

Reading: They all have a new book and key words to accompany the book. Please add these to all their other words and keep revising them. When they are reading please encourage your child to have a go at sounding simple words out (not all words can be read like this). They will also be given sentences to read, match them in the book or to draw a picture about.

We are rehearsing the nativity every day at the moment, the dress rehearsal is on Friday morning – the children will perform in front of the whole school.

The main performance is on Monday 12th December, please remember that we can only allow 2 adults per family to attend.

On Tuesday 6th December we will be watching St. Margarets perform their nativity play (dress rehearsal).

On Wednesday 7th December we have the Hopscotch Theatre Company visiting us to do a performance for P1 -P4.


P7 News 28/11/16

This is an exciting week in P7 as they are presenting their work and being assessed for their ECO school design project.  The homework is minimal this week because I am still receiving recipes for our recipe book and also groups have delegated jobs for their Eco assessment to be done at home, this is an assessment carried out by Scottish Engineering Trust and I would like all pupils to have the same chance so I am having a homework free week.

We will be selling Recipe books and Recycled book Christmas ornaments at the Christmas fair on Friday and pupils would love for you to come and buy some of their hard work.  DONATIONS STILL WELCOME!

REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR:  This year I am organising a reverse advent calander with P7 – instead of getting things from it, we will be putting items into it….we will be collecting for the local foodbank and more details will follow.


P4 Homework 29/11/16

Phew! We found the spelling jotters, admittedly in a strange place, but we did find them!


Spelling– Week 2) u-e and y (i)

Gorillas (y) sound like in day or pay

See jotters for instructions.

Pandas (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Children should read a book, newspaper or magazine and spend about 20 mins looking for as many words as they can with the spelling pattern above. A minimum of 5 words should be found. Write them in your jotters.

Wolves (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Children should read a book, newspaper or magazine and spend about 20 mins looking for as many words as they can with the spelling pattern above. A minimum of 5 words should be found. Write them in your jotters.

No spell well activity or sentences required this week .


Pink –  Pocket Money – See bookmark

Orange –  The Red Planet- See bookmark

Yellow- The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl- P1-18 – no written task.

Blue – Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo p 7-11 or 9-13 ( the children know which is which) no written task

Green – Here Comes Trouble- p22-28 for Wednesday 30th and p28-36 for Thursday 1st

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits and I have begun a challenge this week on Sumdog. The children are very keen to participate in this but please remind them that it is for fun and not to feel bad if they aren’t able to spend as much time as others on the computer.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.