⭐ Christmas Fair ⭐ Donations Required!


Can you help? we are looking for:
*Raffle donations from businesses or individuals with a prize to contribute. (Headed letter available if needed)
*Re sellable, good quality toys and games (no books) 
*Good quality cuddly toys
*Bottles for the bottle tombola
*Home baking (labelled)
*Wearable Christmas jumpers and clothing
*items we can re gift (smellies, gift sets etc)
*Items for our hampers (Christmas eve box, traditionally festive and pamper hamper)
*your time – if you can help on the day speak to class teacher or Mrs Beattie.
Please hand donations into the office
Thanks so much in advance

Harvest Collection

Loanhead Primary will be gratefully receiving donations for Womens Aid, for our Harvest collection. They are a wonderful charity who are always truly grateful for everything we can give. This year we are looking for donations such as:

  • Dried/Canned/Non-perishable food (pasta, tinned vegetables etc)
  • Feminine Hygiene Products
  • Shower gel/soap/shampoo
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste

Please can all donations be brought to school by Friday 13th October. 

Thank you


Camp survey for P1-4 parents

Thanks to those parents who completed our survey about future camp options for P5 and P7.  We would like as many P1-4 parents to complete it as possible to ensure we have a full view of responses.

We are only asking P1-4 parents to complete the survey because current P5-7 pupils already have their camp options organised.

The survey is very short 🙂 please use the link below to complete it before 4.10.23.


Reading Homework Info!

⭐Hello all P2 families!⭐

Spelling homework will now be sent home on a Tuesday. This makes more sense as we learn our new sound that day!

I also wanted to write the details of the daily reading homework on here as there have been some instances of forgotten or missed reading records and I thought this might be a more effective way to do so.

Monday- Page 1-8

Tuesday- page 8-16

Wednesday- whole book OR 16-24 (depending on size of book).

Thursday- whole book and verbally answering the questions at the back of the book to focus on their reading comprehension/ understanding of what they read.

Miss Aitken☺

P2 Homework🐝📕- 28.08.23

Hello all,

Homework will be sent out for the first time today for both reading and spelling. They will continue to follow the same format as it did in Primary 1.

🐝 Spelling words will be handed out on each Monday to be returned on Friday. Instructions are inside the front cover of jotters.

The phonics sound of the week will be introduced on a Tuesday, therefore I recommend waiting until Tuesday to begin any spelling words as they will then be more familiar with the sound.

  • This weeks sound will be ‘sh’.

📕 Reading pages will be set daily from Monday- Thursday and details of this will be in the reading records.

Miss Aitken🙂

Primary 2- 23.08.23

Hello Primary 2 families⭐

I apologise for the delay in getting information to you all, I have only just received access to be able to do so. All information will be posted here for you until the time that P2 pupils receive their devices.

Homework will begin week commencing 28th August.

🏃‍♀️Our P.E days will be Monday and Wednesday. Children should keep their PE kit and shoes in school.

✉️Please could you ensure all letters are returned to the school.

💧 If all children could bring in a water bottle into school every day, and no toys should be brought into school.

It would be really helpful if all clothes and belongings could be named so that there is no mix ups or missing things can be returned to the correct person.

Reminder!    Today is the last day for milk orders.

Miss Aitken🙂

Primary 2 – 12.6.23 – News and Info

Hello P2 families 🌞

I cannot believe that we have only just over 2 weeks to go!  This is just a little note to say that tomorrow (13.6.23) we are having a trip to The Link park and mud garden with our buddies.  Please can your child have a change of clothes and shoes (in case they get muddy) snack, water sun cream  etc.

I have stopped homework from this week while we do a stock take of books, please continue reading for enjoyment (15 Mins per day) with your child and TopMarks (Hit the b utton or other memtal maths games) or Sumdog for numeracy.

We are also working on a surprise for Mrs Caldwell’s leaving assembly (26.6.23) we are singing “so long, farewell” as a class and the first 2 minutes of “Dancing queen” so your child may want to practise at home.  Also, if you know that you will not be in on this day, or if you have holidays planned, please let me know ASAP.

Many thanks,

Mrs Hinton.