P6 – Information: Week Beginning 16.3.20


I hope you all had a good weekend. Information for the coming week is as follows.

Schedule for the week


Football Club – Mr McGaff and I are running a P6 / P7 football club after school on Tuesdays (3:15pm-4pm), alternating weeks for girls and boys. This week it will be for the girls.

Football Festival – Unfortunately the planned football festival for P6 and P7 boys has been cancelled due to health and safety precautions in response to the corona virus (COVID-19).


Road Safety Day / Beep Beep Day – The Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSO)and Mrs Sharp have planned activities for all the classes to take part in. It would be fantastic if they can wear a Hi-Vis item of clothing to school on the day. Loanhead Primary School are supporting the charity BRAKE therefore the pupils can make a donation to BRAKE if possible. All donations will be greatly received.


PE – It is reminded that all pupils require a PE kit to change into and indoor shoes.



  • Spellings – New spellings will be copied into homework jotters to be learnt, as well as completing the associated writing tasks provided. (To be completed by Friday 27.3.20.)
  • Reading – Check pupil reading diaries. All pupils have reading due this week. Groups 1 and 2 – Tuesday 17.3.20. Groups 3 and 4 – Thursday 19.3.20.
  • Maths – Interactive learning tasks will be set to be completed by Friday 27.3.20 using Education City.


Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson



This week’s homework (due Friday 20th March)

Hello everyone, I hope you are all staying well and healthy!

This week’s homework is business as usual. I am now trying your children on non-fiction books at their exact reading level, which may be more challenging than last week’s reading. I would encourage you to discuss the topic of the book with your child and quiz them on any information within the book!

This week’s spelling pattern is <ey>. The words are as follows:

  1. film
  2. kept
  3. key
  4. honey
  5. money
  6. donkey
  7. chimney
  8. journey
  9. thousand
  10. million

Finally, for maths we will be wrapping up time and starting work on ‘chance and uncertainty’. This week’s focus will be discussing the likelihood of events occurring and using the correct language. For example:

‘Rolling a number between 1 and 6 on a dice is certain.

‘Rolling a number higher than 6 is impossible.’

‘The sun coming out today is likely.’

‘A penguin appearing in the playground is very unlikely.’

As soon as your child is familiar with the language we use when discussing chance we can move onto more advanced topics.

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

P7 Info W/B 16th March 2020

Hi all,

This week sees ‘Road Safety Day’ ( Beep Beep Day!) on Wednesday so the Junior Road Safety Officers and Mrs Sharp have organised some activities for children. Pupils have been asked if they can wear one Hi-Viz item of clothing to school that day. Children can bring in a monetary donation for BRAKE if they so wish. Apologies for the wrong date for this event being posted last week. 

Football Club – Mr McGaff and Mr Nelson are planning to run a P7 football club after school on Tuesdays, alternating weeks for girls and boys.

Basketball Tournament – Ten P7s represented LPS on Wednesday morning at a local competition and won it!  They won all their five matches. So proud of you all! Fingers crossed, we can send a team to the County Champs.

PE is on Tuesday , Wednesday and the final session of rugby is on Thursday this week. Thanks so much to rugby coach Bradley for all his fun games and skills development.

Chrome Books – P7 have loved using Chrome Books in class this week and these have really engaged children in their learning. We are navigating our way around using Google Classroom and so home/class learning online is now perfectly possible.

Independent Study –Last Friday, a reading comprehension task was given out to  be handed in this Friday. My intention is to put study tasks on Google Classroom from now on. Please let me know if your child cannot access this at home.

Schedule for the week:



Tuesday: PE

Boy’s Football Festival

Football Cub after school (girls)

Wednesday: PE


Rugby – bring PE clothes to be able to play rugby outside in the MUGA.

Friday – ‘Headstrong’ Session 2 ( last week’s session was cancelled)

































P2 Homework w.b. 16.3.20

Hi all,

**A letter was given to all children on Friday to remind all that if your child presents a new persistent cough and/or fever then they should remain home for at least 7 days. It is extremely important that these guidelines are followed as it will help to reduce the spread of germs/illness. In addition to this the children have had an increase in hand washing, we are washing our hands when we arrive, before and after break/lunch and then once again before we leave. If the school soap is leaving your child’s hands irritated, could you please send in a clearly labelled bottle of hand soap for them to use. Thank you.**

Given the current climate, I will be having a big focus this week on hygiene in regards to hand washing and keeping healthy in general. All children should be bringing in their own water bottle daily and I will send home all P.E kits on Wednesday to be washed too. The children will also not be playing with play dough, water, sand etc. to try and reduce germs from spreading.

Wednesday is ‘Beep Beep Day’ and Mrs Sharp and the JRSO’s have planned some fun activities for the lower years to take part in! Children can wear bright clothing on this day (for example, a bright orange top or a hi-vis vest/jacket) and can bring in a donation for the charity BRAKE.

The children performed a wonderful assembly to the school on Friday all about Road Safety. We would like to invite parents/carers to come and watch the class assembly on Thursday 19th March at 2:45pm – you can collect your child and any other siblings after the performance. I will send out a letter about this on Monday.

Homework for the week:

Reading: Pages to be read have been written into your child’s green reading record.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ow’ sound (making an oh sound – for example, snow and throw).

Please do not hesitate to contact me either by email (L.Waller@mgfl.net) or at the end of the day.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

P1 Handwashing/soap

Hi All,

With the current situation with regards to cornonavirus we are following the NHS guidelines and increasing our handwashing in class. Whilst most children have been fine some have expressed that they’re hands are painful as a result of the school soap drying them out. I have been from shop to shop trying to find an alternative but, as you can imagine, I didn’t have much luck. If your child is struggling with dry, sore hands as a result of school soap could I please ask you send them to school with an alternative if possible. Thank you in advance and I appreciate your cooperation.

Hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Ramsay

P1 Homework week beginning 9.3.20

Hello All,

School News

Next week sees ‘Road Safety Day’ ( Beep Beep Day!) on Wednesday the 18th so the Junior Road Safety Officers and Mrs Sharp has organised some activities for children. Pupils have been asked if they can wear one Hi-Viz or brightly coloured item of clothing to school that day.


Can I please reiterate that toys should not be brought to school unless it is a Friday. It is becoming an increasingly disruptive issue as more and more children bring things to school and are distracted by them throughout the day.


We are still working our way through consonant blends. This week’s initial blends are: sp, sn, sm, st, sc , sk*and sw.

This website has loads of fun online games focused on consonant blends.


*sk can come at the beginning or end of a word.

Letter formation site

I mentioned this site to many parents at the learning trios and realised I haven’t yet put it on the site. Apologies for the delay. This site shows children how to form their letters correctly and where to start and end.



I have sent home a literacy home learning wall in your child’s book bag (also attached below). This is just a variety of activities you can do to work on your child’s phonic awareness and blending skills. I have also sent home a jotter, it is A4 and labelled handwriting, which you can use to evidence any work they do. Feel free to use this as you see fit, children can work directly in the jotter or can glue in work or pictures.


Chips- The Play

Mon- p1-8

Tues -p9-16

Wed – Whole Book


Biffs- Kipper the Clown

Mon- p1-8


Wed-Whole Book

Thurs- Activity

Kippers – New Dog

Mon- p1-4

Tues- p5-8

Wed-Whole Book


Floppy’s -Singing Dad

Mon- p1-4

Tues- p5-8

Wed-Whole Book

Thurs-Activity (Word Pairs)

All the Best,

Miss Ramsay

This week’s homework (due Friday 13th March)

Hello everyone,

For reading this week, Primary 3 will be doing non-fiction books. Your child will have a book that is one level below the stage that they read fiction books at; do not be alarmed as non-fiction books tend to be a level harder than their fiction counterparts! If possible, can you discuss your child’s book with them, try and prompt questions about the contents and point of the features of non-fiction books please.

This week’s spelling pattern is the /or/ pattern. The list for this pattern is as follows:

  1. twig
  2. from
  3. pork
  4. walk
  5. jaw
  6. north
  7. straw
  8. saucepan
  9. ninety
  10. hundred

Finally, for maths this week we are drawing closer to finishing our mini-topic on time. Units of time is our focus for the week, so if possible, try and discuss time equivalencies with your child (eg. 60 seconds is 1 minute, 365 days is 1 year).


Mr McGaff

Primary 6/7 Boys and Girls football

Starting this week, Mr McGaff and Mr Nelson will be leading  football coaching sessions for both the P6/7 Loanhead Primary School boys and girls teams. The sessions take place on Tuesdays after school between 15:15 and 16:00, and alternate between the boys and the girls on a bi-weekly basis. The coaching sessions are set to take place as follows:



10th March, 24th March, 21st April, 5th May.



17th March, 31st March, 28th April, 12th May.


Sessions will take place either indoors or outdoors depending on weather, so please make sure that your child is prepared with appropriate clothing on their days. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to get in touch with Mr McGaff at s.mcgaff@mgfl.net.


Best wishes,

Mr McGaff and Mr Nelson