P1 Homework wk beg. 9th Jan 2017

Happy New Year to you all!

I hope that you have had a restful winter break and the children are all ready to be back at school!

Literacy: This week please recap all the sounds that we have been learning and spend some time making words with the sounds that the children have learnt already and spelling words using the sounds. e.g. ch o p = chop,      sh i p = ship, p ai n = pain.

Reading: Reading books will be sent home every day. Words, sounds, sentences and activities will come home throughout the week.

Topic: From now until the end of January we will be looking at all things Scottish which will include some Scottish poetry to celebrate Burn’s Day. I will be asking the children to talk to you about any rhymes or songs and particularly play ground games that you or the Grandparents played when you were young.

In February we will begin a ‘Fairyland’ topic which we will be doing with P2 – this will continue until the Easter holidays.

French: We will be learning more French this term, we have been doing the register in French so we will add to our vocabulary.

PE will continue to be on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has shorts and a T-shirt to change into. Please leave this at school all week. We will also be continuing Scottish Country dancing with P2.

Library will be on a Tuesday every 3 weeks starting towards the end of January.

P5 Homework for week stating 09/01/17


Task 1:

Write spelling words 3 times each in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.

Task 2:

Pick 5 of your words and write a sentence using each.  Try to start each sentence with a good opener.



Learn your 7 times table. Write out the 7 times table.

When learning your times table you should practise saying them forward, then backwards. When you know it well you should be able to answer questions from the table, out of order.

P6 Spelling Homework 9.1.17

Monday 9th January

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK all words twice in jotter.

Complete 1 activity from the sheet in your jotter.

Complete sheet handed out.

For Monday 16th January.

P2 News and Homework W/B 9.1.17

Welcome back and Happy New Year to you all!

This new term is packed with various  events and fun learning opportunities. Over the next few weeks, there’ll be a ‘Scottish’ feel to it as we study our culture linked to Burns Day. We’ll continue our topic on electricity and link this in with the toys and games played with over the festive period. We’ll continue to study a new sound each week but will also take time to revise the sounds learned so far in P2. Reading will continue with Oxford Reading Tree at its core but there will be opportunities for reading some Scottish poetry and fiction. There will be some maths/numeracy homework each week from now on so look out for this.


Just a reminder that every pupil should have a change of indoor shoes, a full PE kit and all items of clothing clearly labelled. PE should return to the normal days of Tuesday and Thursday.

Homework set should be completed in time and handed in ( spelling should be done for Friday mornings but numeracy/ reading will have different dates set). It’s very important to establish a good homework routine in P2 to set children up for later years. We try our best to ensure that homework is relevant, meaningful, manageable and not too onerous! It also provides a link between home and school and informs you as to what is being focused on each week.

Homework this week:

Spelling – (unless otherwise notified) – List 17 Magic ‘e’ – u-e .

Reading – We’ll pick up where we left off before Christmas. Check reading bags daily for updates.

Maths – Time – Calendar Months – simply learn the months in order. It’s useful to learn the months in blocks of three and then build them up. So, January/February/March……April/May/June……July/August/September….. October/November/December. …….and then we’ll learn them in French!

Thanks, as always, for your support,

Miss Brunt


P7 information 12/12/16

Please can all pupils return £1 for their Christmas parties asap, thanks.

FOOD BANK- we have 1 more week of the reverse advent calendar as they are being collected by the food bank on 16th. thank you for all your donations of foods, treats, toiletries and toilet rolls so far. all are so much appreciated by midlothian food bank.

Homework – P3-7 concert – pupils have got lines and lyrics to learn for our show on the 16th December. A letter has been sent home with ticket information and costume info.

Pupils have been learning about coding and algorithms in ICT, if possible I have asked them to work on the coding work from the hour of code website (available on android, Windows and apple).

Sundog- we have a December maths contest in place for all to work on …this revises work we have been focusing on -decimals, angles, area, multiplication, place value etc.


P1 Homework 12/12/16

This is the last week of homework until we return to school in January.

Sounds: We are doing ‘sh’ and ‘th’ this week. Children will have their usual worksheet and other work later in the week.

Reading: All children have a new reading book. Please continue to revise all words that they are given as this will help with fluency of reading. They have all been given word box 2 words to learn. These words can be sounded out and built back up. Please use the letter cards the children have to help them make the words.



Wednesday 14th: School Christmas lunch. If your child has not ordered a lunch please provide them with a packed lunch from home.

House Christmas sing-off: All children will be involved in this – singing with their ‘house’. There will be a couple of rehearsals for this.

Christmas Party 20th December: P1 and 2 will have their party together. The cost of this is £1- please send this to us in a named envelope. Children are welcome to bring party clothes to school to change into. We will have a special visitor at 2:15 – please join us for the excitement.

I will hold auditions for the campus talent show on 20th December. Only 2 children from each class will be put through to the final. If your child would like to take part please help them with their act. If they require music or costumes they will need to provide this themselves. If you need mats etc please let me know in advance.

Campus Talent Show Final: 22nd December.

Friday 23rd December: Xmas Jumper Day and Church.

Last day of term all finish at 12:00pm

This will probably be my last post until January unless I have forgotten something! Please encourage your child to continue to revise their sounds and get involved in reading books of their own choosing.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

P5 Homework for week starting 12/12/16

As we know this is a busy week for everyone, this week’s homework is Christmas themed and optional. The children have been given a choice of activities they can pick from. They will be given time on Friday to share what they have done with the class. Please remember, this is optional!



There will be no homework given next week.