P3 Homework from 14th November

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 14th November

On Mondays with Mrs Wallace the class has been learning about shapes. Please could you send in any cardboard that would flatten out to make the ‘net’ of a shape? For example, empty cereal boxes or Toblerone packaging would be perfect.

P3 have made a great start to our Ancient Egypt topic. So far we have learned how to read and write in hieroglyphics. This week we will be investigating tombs, mummies and archaeology.

Linking to this topic I am going to challenge the children to make a model of an Ancient Egyptian burial chamber at home. Full details of this will come out later in the week, but if you wanted to rescue any shoe boxes etc. from the recycling then that might be useful preparation.

A number of parents have asked for a list of the online maths games we use to boost counting and addition / subtraction. I will put a list of links up on the website, tagged for P3.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



This week we are focussing on working out change. This will be the hardest maths work we have done. We will start by working within £1, but build up to within £5 or even £10.

Two online games to help practise this would be:



In class we compare the price of the item and the amount paid, and we ask how much we need to add to the price to “make it match”. This is best done is steps, up to the tens number and then up to the pound. For example, if I use a £1 coin to buy a toy for 47p, to “make it match” I would need to add 3p to make 50p, and then add 50p more to bring it up to £1.

This is tricky, so practice with support will go a long way.



Pages from class books will be written down in the grids. From Thursday we will all be writing our own non-fiction books about Ancient Egypt, with a contents page and glossary.



Spelling words to practice this week are:

bike                 five

nine                 like

time                 wife

prize                meet

Egypt               Nile

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

P6 Spelling 13.11.17

Monday 13th Novemeber

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice in jotter.

Please complete one activity from the sheet at front of jotter.

Please complete sheet.

(Chocolates complete 2 activities from sheet).

For Monday 20th Novemeber

P1 Homework 13/11/17

Reading: As per the reading card in their reading books. Please also revise all their words regularly.

Phonics: We are learning 3 new sounds this week: ie, ee or and z. The sounds where two letters are together are more complicated and your child may find these harder to learn. It is important that your child understands that the two letters make one sound. We use a short rhyme for the two-vowel sounds: ‘When two vowels go walking the first one does the talking,’ (although this is not  always the case) meaning the first vowel says its name not its sound.

Science: Please continue the moon phase observation sheet.

Miss Brunt and I hope to get more information out this week about the parts in the nativity. All children have been asked if they would like a speaking part and those that wanted to have been auditioned.

Don’t forget we are collecting second-hand or unwanted toys and books for the Christmas Fair -if you have any to donate please hand them in to us or at the office.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P2 Homework W/B 13.11.17

**Dates for Diary**

Nativity 2017

P1 and P2 will be performing ‘Lights, Camel, Action!‘ on Monday 11th December at 2pm. Each pupil can invite 2 members of his/her family to come and watch. More info will follow about parts, lines, costumes etc.

Christmas Fair

The Christmas Fair will be on Friday 1st December from 12:30pm. Once again, P1 and P2 will organise the toy stall so if your child has any unwanted toys in good condition, please send these in. Thanks in advance!

Homework this week

Spelling – List  o– e. Magic ‘e’.  This turns a short sounding vowel into a long sounding vowel. Children will be taught a little memory aid: ” The  e at the end turns the ‘o’ into an ‘oh’.

Reading – as normal. Please send book bags in daily.

NumeracyNumber Tennis– please play this game with your child- it’s free and needs no resources! Pairs to ten; you say 6 and the child should say 4. You say 5 and the child should say 5.  You say 7 and the child should say 3…and so on! The aim is for instant recall.

Numeracy Poster Design –  Thanks SO much for the posters already handed in – what a talented , creative bunch we have in P2!

Sumdog Challenge – a new challenge is ready, called P2 Mix-up. This should cover add/subtract, some time and some fractions questions. 100 points to collect. Good luck!

PEWednesday (Athletics) and Thursday (PE with Mrs Duncan). The athletics sessions have been going very well with Craig and he has been working P2 very hard!

Topic – We have been reading ‘The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark’ and should read chapters 3 and 4 this week. Our student teacher Miss Jeffcott has many more fun activities planned covering astronomy, nocturnal animals and science.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt


P6 Homework 10/11/17

All groups have reading homework for next week and they also need to complete a reading activity in their reading jotter.

All pupils have a numeracy worksheet to complete for Friday 17/11/17. Apologies – pupils did not get their numeracy homework as promised last week. A few copying issues!

Christmas Card Orders

Your child should have brought their Christmas card design home this week, last day for ordering is Friday 10th AT THE VERY LATEST.  We will start collating them on Wednesday.

The designs are looking fantastic and this is also a great fundraiser for school funds too.

Thank you for your support

P7 News and Homework 6/11/17

P7 have their trip to the poppy factory on Thursday morning so require a packed lunch. Many people still need to return the £3 for the poppy factory with the permission slips, the £3 for Sky and permission trip are also due – a few people have returned the slips only.

I still require a parent helper for Thursday – please let me know if you can help k.hinton@mgfl.net

Homework this week (for Fri):

All groups have reading with associated activities

There is a Remembrance worksheet Poppy Homework-1jfar62

Maths Homework (to be completes in jotters) – Time Homework 6.11.17-23pxozv

Thanks to the 12 who handed in their homework on Fri, surprises may be in store!

Poppies are on sale this week – 50p/£1 suggested donation

Christmas Card order form should be sent home – please return by Friday

Gentle reminder that pupils should not cycle or scoot in playground and could water bottles have only water in them please.


Primary 3 Homework – Week from 7th November

P3 are going to Ancient Egypt! This will be our project through November, building up to 7th December when we will visit the National Museum of Scotland. Please do ask the children what they’ve been finding out. Some of them have also mentioned looking online or in the library and may need help with this.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



On reflection, last week’s money homework was probably better suited to the skills we are working on this week.

The focus so far has been finding the total of a set of coins or notes. This would be a great thing to practise if you trust the children with your purses and wallets!

We are now moving onto the next skill, choosing which coins or notes to give in payment for an item, trying to use the fewest possible coins and give exact change.

The final skill we will work on is giving and checking change. This is tricky! Again, real life examples are great practice.

The Top Marks link covers the second and third of these skills really well. All the children should be working on mixed coins rather than one coin. I would suggest starting at up to £1 and then going up to £5 or £10 as confidence grows.




Pages from class books will be written down in the grids as usual. This week we are switching from fiction to non-fiction. As well as hearing children read out loud, it will also be helpful to discuss with them how to use features like a contents page, index and glossary to find information.



Developing our VCOP skills for writing (vocabulary, connectives, openers, punctuation) we have been focussing on adjectives. In class we call them describing words.

For homework, please could the children use adjectives to describe a place or an object. This could be done as a list or in sentences. In class we say that describing words should help the reader to imagine what a place or thing is really like.



Spelling words to practice this week are:

cake                 game

made               save

snake               plate

himself            everything

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.