P1 Homework 26.9.16

Week Beginning 26.9.2016

Sound work: ‘m’ and ‘d’ please cntinue to work on sound recognition particularly at the beginning and ends of words.

Continue to help recognising the letters using the cards and making up small 3 letter words.

The children have been interested in words that rhyme, we have read rhyming stories at story time. Please help them complete the rhyme sheet.

Maths: We are practising the days of the week. Please help your child to know the order and what comes next and before. If they are confident with this they can have a go at ordering them visually and writing them.


We are moving on to explore the world of dinosaurs, a topic which I think the children will be really enthusiastic about.

P1 Homework: Week Beginning 20th September 2016


Language and Literacy

Sound sheets ‘e, h and r’ to revise the sound and writing the letter. These sheets will be in their reading folder. If children wish to they can draw things that begin with the sound they can do so on the back of the sheet.

Reading: Tues – Thurs nights. Revise key words that are in the reading folders. Although your child may be memorising the words in their reading book please encourage them to follow the words with their finger.

Sounds that have been taught so far are also in their word bags along with an information sheet on how to use these to help the children learn their sounds to build simple words.



Please can the children make a simple poster about numbers around them. This can be done by drawing  and writing numbers, by cutting out and gluing from magazines etc or by using photographs of numbers in the environment e.g. from buses, door numbers etc. FOR MONDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER



PE Weds afternoon and Thursday morning.

The Midlothian Advertiser will be in school soon to photograph the P1 class, a letter is in the Homework bag regarding this.



P1 Homework- 16.5.16

This week is walk to school week.

Please continue to practise and go over any lines your child has for the school assembly on Friday.


There will be no spelling or phonics homework this week.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continues to practise all key words.

Maths Homework- Please check book bag for maths addition homework sheet. This is due for Friday. 

Children will take part in a Katie Morag workshop this afternoon.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.



Maths homework will be collected today.

Primary one will be taking the school assembly this morning to share their learning. The parent performance will be today at 11.45 all are welcome to attend.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P1 shared learning


Primary one will be taking the school assembly on Friday 2oth May to share their learning. They will be talking about what they have learnt so far in their people who help us topic.

Children who have speaking parts have been sent home with these today. Please can you help your child learn these and practise with them over the weekend and next week.

The parent performance will be at 11.45 on the Friday.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P1 Homework- 9.5.16


Spelling homework– Please check spelling jotter for this weeks spelling words. There will be a spelling test on Friday.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continues to practise all key words.

Phonics homework – This weeks initial blends are br dr and st please check sounds folder for information.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.



Spelling test

This week P.E. will be on Friday instead of Thursday due to the school assembly being moved to Thursday – please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

Primary 1 Homework- 2.5.16


May day holiday- school is closed.


Due to the Monday holiday there will be no spelling homework this week.

Phonics homework – An initial blends phonics sheet will be sent home today please keep this in the sounds folder. Please help your child to sound out the words on it. This weeks initial blends are cl fl gl sl and bl.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continues to practise all key words.

P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Children will visit the school library today. Please ensure that any library books are returned no later than today. If books are not returned your child will be unable to borrow another book today. Books borrowed today will be due back on Tues 17th May.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P1 Homework- 25.4.16

Thank you to everyone who brought in pictures, items and stories to tell/show to the class for our Great Granny’s attic topic. The children really enjoyed looking at these and finding out about life in the past. Pictures will follow soon.


Spelling homework–  Children will be given a list of new spelling words today. Please practise and learn these at home. We will have a spelling test on Friday.

Phonics homework– Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continue to practise all key words.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Spelling test

Spelling homework jotters will be collected today.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway

P1 Homework- 18.4.16


Hopefully children will have had the opportunity to speak to Grandparents over the last week to find out about their childhood and to find out what things were like when they were young. Children will have the opportunity to share any stories/photos or items with the rest of the class today so please feel free to bring these in.

Spelling homework– Children will be given a list of new spelling words today. Please practise and learn these at home. We will have a spelling test on Friday.

Phonics homework– Please continue to practise previous sounds at home especially the trickier ones.

Reading homework– New reading books will be handed out today. Please check reading marker for information. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them everyday and continue to practise all key words.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Spelling test

Spelling homework jotters will be collected today.

Thanks for your support

Miss Conway