📸 P2 – Week beginning 26.9.22

Week Beginning 26/9/22

📸 PLEASE NOTE: The SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHER will be in school on Thursday to take individual and sibling photos

SPELLING HOMEWORK – “ng” sound.  Pupils should learn these 10 words at home.  In their jotters they have been asked to write the words out 3 times. In the last column they should write the ng in a colour.  See jotter for an example.

READING:  New books issued on Monday for most groups.  Continue to read the words, talk about the picture, encourage sounding out of tricky words and learn KEY words.

MATHS HOMEWORK – We have been having fun challenges to learn addition within 10 and 20 without counting.  This is our focus in school.  There is a short worksheet in jotters.  When adding, if children do not know the answer off by heart, the strategy we have been using is hold the bigger number in your head and count up. E.g. 11+4 – hold 11 in your head and jump up 4, 12-13-14-15 the answer is 15

PE – Mon and Thurs, please have a change of clothes, shoes and water bottle in school

*P2 News and Info 19.9.22*

I hope you have all had a restful long weekend.

On Tuesday there is the Parent Forum AGM, always looking for new members to represent the parent voice.

Gardening – the last group of children will be gardening on Wednesday – the children have all loved this experience.

Homework – Reading (books or Red ditty books) EVERY NIGHT, Spelling homework for Friday when we have a spelling test.  Please also try to revise number bonds to 10/20 with your child.  Homework  info will be in yellow homework diaries.  Please can children bring in book bags every day.

Digital – We will be logging onto our Google Classrooms on our Chromebooks this week and learning how to use this for learning.



Mrs H

*P2 12.9.22*


Homework is given on Monday and Friday.

Spelling words this week are: “ch” sound

  1. is
  2. hot
  3. blot
  4. chips
  5. lunch
  6. chest
  7. much
  8. he
  9. she
  10. chicken

Only 4 children handed in their home work on Friday so spelling words will need to be copied from diaries. Children should write the words 3 times in their jotters and I would like them to say them in a sentence to an adult and then choose 4 words to draw a picture of and write the word underneath. Please do not use pens.

Example of last week’s activity below.

If you have any spare wrapping paper etc that you can use to cover the homework jotters that would be amazing, thanks

Maths – Missing numbers worksheet to be glued in jotter and completed  -handed out on Monday

Reading (Either red ditty books or ORT books) – Should be done every night as it was last year.  We are working on blending sounds into words and having more fluency when we read.


🍂 Primary 2 news/Info beginning 5.9.22

Hello P2 parents/families,

This week I will begin to send homework home.

Reading – There will be reading books to be read each night.  This is more than simply reading the pages- we will be looking at fluency, accuracy, comprehension and knowledge of key words and common words.  It is essential that you spend time enjoying reading with your child.

Spelling – Spelling words are given out on Monday for Friday.  Children will begin just writing these out using correct letter formation using the say, look, cover, write and check method.

Maths – Consolidation of in class work – this will not be given out every week.

Digital:  Some people have logged onto google classroom, there is no expectation for this just now but you have your child’s midlothian.education username or password on the password sheets from last year.  I will send new ones out but there is no rush until the children do familiarise themselves with it.

In class this week we will continue with our Dinosaur topic and writing more detailed and descriptive sentences.  We are developing our letter formation through regular handwriting exercises too. We are also looking at trying to combat letter and number reversals.

We have recently began using jotters for some of our learning.  The children are working really hard on presentation in these.

We have our class charter up, there was a vote on its theme and the majority of children chose dinosaurs.  After looking again at The Rights of a Child, we focussed on 3 simple rules for our class:

We are READY, we are RESPECTFUL and We are SAFE!

Please remember GREEN BOOK BAGS, water bottles, and indoor shoes for school.  PE is Monday and Wednesday.

One of the first pieces of writing we did was about what we like in school.  The pupils were asked to have a sentence with a connective (and or because) and a capital letter and a full stop.


🌟 Primary 2 News and info 29.8.22

This week in P2 we will be continuing our Dinosaur topic, writing Fact files and descriptions.🦖

In numeracy we are looking at place value, H/T/O and how to write 3 digit numbers, counting up in 10’s past 100 and filling in missing numbers in a pattern that goes up/down in 1s, 5s or 10s.🔢

I am rearranging reading groups and although we are doing reading in class, I will not send reading home until next week.  Children will also be given a home learning jotter where home activities should be done.  Please can children bring in their green book bags.📚

We are entering using the atrium door now.  It is essential that children have indoor shoes to leave in school to change in to, especially now that the weather is a bit grimmer.👟

P.E- P.E is Wed and Mon – pupils should leave a PE kit in school, we are doing amazing at changing into our kit/uniform before and after P.E. this is an important life skill promoting independence and good hygiene.🏃‍♂️

There are a few bugs going around, especially a sickness one.  We are continuing to reinforce handwashing and good personal hygiene.  Please remember that if your child has a sickness bug or upset tummy, they should not return to school until 48 hours after the  last episode.  For more info, see here: Health and Safety in schools 👐

MEET THE TEACHER – Tuesday 3.15-3.45pm – I know everyone but feel free to come and say Hi 😊

We are still practicing logging into our chrome books and typing addresses into the address bar, we are building up skills so that when Chromebooks do go home, they are cared for and useful to enhance learning.💻

Thanks, Mrs H


🤩 Primary 2 – week beginning 22.8.22

Happy Monday,

Please remember to return the annual data letters, milk letters and flu letters ASAP.

✏️In Literacy we will be recapping writing stories with a beginning, middle and end, with a joining word and capital letters and full stops.  We are also revising key words and books previously read in order to regroup readers for the term. Please return book bags if you have not already done so.

🔢In Numeracy we are identifying numbers to 100, looking back to numbers before, after and in between.  We are also counting to a number off the decade from a random number. e.g. count from 27 to 48  These oral activities would be useful to practise regularly at home.

We have also been practising using this game to find number in between (to 100)


🦕 Our topic is dinosaurs – the children are very excited about this.


Mrs H

⭐Welcome to Primary 2 🍎


Welcome back to a new school year.  I am excited for what we have already planned for P2.  This week we will be settling back into the school routine but I have handed out a Newsletter today if you need a copy please see below.

I will use the website or paper communication at the moment until we have Google Classroom up and running.  Chromebooks will not be going home initially.

Thank you for all of the lovely, generous gifts at the end of term.  I did pop a message on Seesaw but I wanted to say another thanks.



Mrs H


Thank you

Thank you for all the lovely cards, gifts and well wishes primary two! It has been a pleasure teaching you all this year and I have no doubt that you will carry on being amazing!

I will miss you all but Miss Ramsay will keep me updated on how you’re all getting on in primary 3. Have a fantastic Summer!
Mrs Lynch