๐Ÿ‘‘ย  P1-3 Jubilee Celebration day ๐Ÿ‘‘

๐Ÿ‘‘ย  P1-3 Jubilee Celebration day ๐Ÿ‘‘
Wednesday 1st of June
Wear Royal Theme/Colours
Bring a small teddy and small cushion or blanket to sit on (needs to fit in your bag)

*Donations of flags, decorations etc are not necessary but gratefully received.

Primary 2 Homework and updates 26.4.22


I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break! It’s been lovely to hear all their stories and see their smiling faces.

From now, the homework will be posted every Tuesday on google classroom. This usually pops up on the chrome books as they are started but if any children are unsure how to access it I can demonstrate this for them in class. Homework can be handed in either by uploading a picture/file to google classroom or by handing in a paper copy on a Monday.

I will also post our weekly newsletter on google classroom every Friday. New reading books will go home as usual on Tuesdays and will be collected in every Monday. We do read in class most days so please can these come into school every day in their school bags.

Thank you for all your support,

Mrs Lynch

Primary 2 Homework 22.3.22


The reading homework and spelling words have gone home in reading bags today. Our sound of the week is ‘ow’ as in ‘snow’.

I have created a sumdog challenge based on what we have been covering in class with the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Good luck Primary 2!

On Wednesday the chrome-books will be going home along with chargers and a copy of the pupils passcodes. We have been discussing how carefully we treat our chrome-books in class and how to continue to do so at home. There is a school wide expectation that the chrome-books are brought into school every day with enough charge, the office will be in contact if a pupil has forgotten theirs one morning. Chargers may stay at home.

In class we have been working on independent logging in, using the keyboard and how to access a few useful learning websites. After the Easter holidays homework will be posted onto google classroom and I will work in class with the children on how to access their homework tasks independently. I know they are very excited to bring the chrome-books home!

Many thanks,

Mrs Lynch