The reading homework and spelling words have gone home in reading bags today. Our sound of the week is ‘ow’ as in ‘snow’.
I have created a sumdog challenge based on what we have been covering in class with the 2, 5 and 10 times table. Good luck Primary 2!
On Wednesday the chrome-books will be going home along with chargers and a copy of the pupils passcodes. We have been discussing how carefully we treat our chrome-books in class and how to continue to do so at home. There is a school wide expectation that the chrome-books are brought into school every day with enough charge, the office will be in contact if a pupil has forgotten theirs one morning. Chargers may stay at home.
In class we have been working on independent logging in, using the keyboard and how to access a few useful learning websites. After the Easter holidays homework will be posted onto google classroom and I will work in class with the children on how to access their homework tasks independently. I know they are very excited to bring the chrome-books home!
Many thanks,
Mrs Lynch