P2 Homework W/B 29/5/17

Homework this week:

Spelling List 36 – ‘aw’

Reading – will get this back on track as last week it ground to a halt due to the shorter week and other events!

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge – Money to 20p. Some children are still confused as to how to work out change from 10 and 20p.

Topic – continues to be Local Study. This week we’ll look at Loanhead; its history and how it looks today.

PE– Tuesday and Thursday this week.

**Reminder**– The following week ( W/B 5th June) is Health Week. Sports Day will be held on Monday June 5th, 1-3pm, weather permitting. More details to follow.


Miss Brunt

P2 Homework W/B 22/5/17

Monday– Holiday for all pupils

Tuesday – PE

Wednesday – Parents Evening

Thursday – Parents Afternoon

FridaySummer Fair 11am – 1pm.  A note will come home to check if you are able to pick your child up at 11am to take to the Summer Fair. Anyone who is not picked up, I’ll take to the fair and we’ll return to the classroom for 12:15pm dismissal as normal.

Homework as usual although this will be issued one day later due to the holiday.


Miss Brunt

P2 Homework W/B 15.5.17

P2 Homework this week:

Reading – see book bags for updates. On Tuesday, some pupils will get reading strategy cards home- these will just mirror work done in class on how to work out tricky words. Please use as a reading aid for Songbird Phonics reading practice. Thank you.

Spelling – There are only 6 weeks of spelling homework left as I won’t set homework for the final week! I am sending home the final sheet but have crossed out three lists. So, please do List 32 ‘er’ this week. For the last three weeks of term, we will concentrate on common words.

Numeracy – This week, we’ll look at adding on 10 to numbers. I’ll send home new ‘LearnIt’ cards on Wednesday ( unless otherwise specified).

Thanks to all who have completed recent Sumdog challenges.

Topic- Local Study – We have been talking about Loanhead and where we live. Interestingly, not many children knew their address. Can you make sure your child knows their address and if possible, a phone number for you?

Poetry– children will be having a chance to write a wee poem for the annual Loanhead PS Poetry Competition.

PE- is on Monday and Thursday this week. ( Monday is our final gymnastics session)

Dress Down Day – is on Friday 19th May. Children may dress down but can they possibly bring a wee something to be wrapped up for the tombola for the Summer Fair which is not far away, on Friday 26th May. Thanks.

Reminder– Monday 22nd May is a holiday for pupils but an in-service for school staff.



P2 Homework W/B 8.5.17

Homework this week:

Spelling List 30 ‘al’ as in ‘walk’ and ‘talk’.

Reading – see homework bags

Numeracy – Sumdog Challenge – Add and Subtract

PE – Monday (Gymnastics) and Thursday

New Topic – Local Study – starting to find out more about Loanhead and reading maps and plans.

P2 Homework W/B 2.5.17

Homework this week:

Reading– I have restructured my reading programme in class and will inform you further by sending home information in the reading bags. It’ll be a squeeze but I’ll try my best to see everyone about their reading today        ( Tuesday) after missing Monday due to the holiday.

Spelling – List 29 ‘or’  (unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2  2X and 10X Challenge 2.5.17 We have begun to explore the 2x  and 10x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, counting in 10s . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for this week until next week, when P2 will get gymnastics on Monday 8th.

Topic – We will start a new topic this week…to be revealed! We have finally finished ‘Fairyland’ and P1/2 had a wee celebration on Friday to say farewell.

Thank you,

P2 Homework W/B 24.4.17

Homework this week:

Reading– please check homework bags daily for updates. Some children will get new reading issued on Mondays and some on Tuesdays. I will send home a wee note indicating which days  your child will read in class.

I have also asked children to bring in something that they like to read for pleasure as we will begin to have 15-20 mins per day on individual and personal reading.

Spelling – List 28 ‘oy’  unless otherwise indicated)

Numeracy – SUMDOG challenge. P2 Two Times Table challenge. We have begun to explore the 2x table which links in very much with previous numeracy: counting in 2s, doubles, even numbers . We are learning that multiplication is just a quick way to add the same number many times. At this point, we’re keeping it simple so 2×5 means ‘2 lots of 5’ or ‘2 groups of 5’  or 5 + 5  or ‘two fives’. We are not really looking at 5 x 2 or trying to make the connection that 2×5 is the same as 5×2 just yet.  So, 2 x1, 2×2, 2×3, 2×4 and so on. Pupils will be able to access this challenge in school as I realise that not everyone can access this at home.

PE – We’ll resume our Tuesday and Thursday slots for the next two weeks until we get our last two gymnastic sessions in May.

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt

P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 18.4.17

Welcome back after Easter!

We’re looking forward to the final term which will take us right up to the summer break; where has the time gone?

This 11 week term will see us finish up ‘Fairyland’ as a topic – we’ll study the Seashore and Loanhead (Local Study). We’ll have a Health Week in June and lots of other interesting things to do. This term also includes a couple of Monday holidays, the Summer Fair, reports and Parents meetings. So, it is busy, busy, busy!

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 27 ‘oi’ ( unless specified otherwise)

Reading homework – there will be no new book sent home this week. Instead, we will do a ‘book study’ in class. However, please encourage your child to read texts of their choice( book, magazine, comic, annual) or read bedtime stories to/with them.

NumeracyJust for fun! I have created a Sumdog Challenge named ‘Halves and Doubles 18.4.17’. It’s a bit challenging as it covers the 2x table, halves and odd/even numbers but it offers a lot of repetition which the children should get the hang of.

PE– Thursday

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt





P2 Homework W/B 27.3.17

The final week of term before Easter is here. What a busy week it’s going to be!

Events this week:

Monday – no gymnastics this week but it will continue for two sessions after the Easter break.

Thursday – 2pm – P1/2 will share their learning from work on ‘Fairyland’ to parents. Please arrive through the main reception.

  • Easter Disco (eve)

Friday – Church visit. End of term pick up is at 12:15pm as normal. All pupils resume on Tuesday 18th April.

Homework – please complete reading books already sent home. No new reading will be set. No new spelling this week either as we will revise previous and recent lists in class.

Maths– this week we will look at the ‘language’ of measure in length. For example – long, longer, longest…short, shorter, shortest…short, medium, long …and so on.

Thank you and Happy Easter for when it comes.

Miss Brunt