P1 Homework 8.5.2017

Reading: as stated in reading record card.

Phonics: we are continuing to revise digraphs (two sounds together).Homework will be given on Tuesday.

PE: Gymnastics on Monday afternoon – please make sure all children have their gym kit.

Topic: Our Senses. You will receive information about a trip – please check your child’s bag for the letter. I hope to get this out by Tuesday at the latest.

P1 Homework 20/02/17

Welcome back after the half term break, I hope it has been restful.

We have a couple of new exciting things happening this term; along with P2, are very lucky to be having a 6 week block of gymnastics, this will be on a Monday afternoon. We will have PE on Monday and Thursday until the Easter holidays.

On Thursdays every class will be having French from our modern languages assistant Margaux. The children have met Margaux and are looking forward to learning French from her.

Reading: We will continue reading as normal, (words, sentences and activities) please check the book bags.

Phonics: We are continuing to learn the consonant blends – homework will be sent home related to this on Mon, Tues, Weds.

I will begin to send home a list of up to 5 words each week. These words are high frequency words that children need to learn to read by sight and to write them. Please help your child to learn to read and write them.

Topic: We will begin a new topic this week – I am sure you will find out about this later in the week!


P1 Homework 06/02/2017

Thank you to those who managed to make the drop-in last Thursday…the children enjoyed showing you their classroom and looking at their work.

Reading: Children will have a new book and associated key words. They will also be given sentences and another reading activity linked to their book.

Sounds: As we have finished the initial learning of Jolly Phonics sounds we are now starting on consonant blends e.g. br, cr, fr, etc. We will continue to use the jolly phonics and will revise them regularly, please encourage your child to do the same at home.

Topic: This week we are talking about how we learn and what can help us. The children will be learning through stories and discussion and this is something that we will refer back to frequently.

After the half-term we will be starting a new topic called ‘Fairyland’. It is a lovely topic around fairy stories and will be covering a lot of literacy related work through this topic.

Don’t forget the children finish on Friday for a weeks holiday.


P1 Homework 30/1/2017

Phonic homework will be sent home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this is recapping some of the sounds we have done before we move on to new sounds.

Reading: New books and words to go with the books. There will also be the usual sentences and activities.

Science: As we have been investigating materials the children are to find things in the house that are made from either wood, metal, plastic, glass or fabric. They are to draw and label the item and discuss with you why the item is made from that material.

Parents Evening: Thursday 2nd February 3.30 – 5.30pm: This is a drop-in event for an informal chat.

P1 Homework week beg. 23/01/17

Poetry Recital and Atrium Celebration: Children will be performing their Scottish rhyme or poem to the class on Monday and two winners will be chosen to perform to the whole school on Wednesday 25th at our Scottish assembly along with children from the other classes.

In the afternoon of the 25th we are having an atrium ‘Scottish Celebration’, the children will be having a wee Ceilidh, singing some Scottish songs and having a wee taste of some Scottish foods. Children are invited to wear some tartan or something Scottish if they have some but this is not essential. Sorry for the short notice!

Phonics: We are learning the last 3 sounds in the Jolly Phonics set this week. They will have the usual homework and a set of sound cards to bring home to make words with.

Scottish Topic: We are investigating the Scottish weather…your child will have a sheet to record the weather over the next two weeks. Our science will be related to this, we will be investigating materials.

Reading: All children will have a new reading book and set of key words to learn.




P1 Homework week beginning 16/01/17

Sounds: We are about to learn the last six sounds from the Jolly Phonics Programme, these will come home in their bags over this week and next. Please continue to recap the sounds they have learnt already.

Reading: New books will come home on Monday with associated words and tasks.

Show and Tell: An information sheet regarding Show and Tell will be in their homework bags. Three children will be selected to do show and tell on a Friday morning each week. They will be told on Monday so they can prepare for it. Please help your child to develop their skills in listening and talking by encouraging them to add detail and interest to their talk when it is their turn.

Topic: As it is Scottish month the children will have a Scottish rhyme or poem to learn at home. As a school we are having a Scottish poetry recital competition. Please help your child to learn their poem.

We would welcome any donations of newspaper please.

P1 Homework wk beg. 9th Jan 2017

Happy New Year to you all!

I hope that you have had a restful winter break and the children are all ready to be back at school!

Literacy: This week please recap all the sounds that we have been learning and spend some time making words with the sounds that the children have learnt already and spelling words using the sounds. e.g. ch o p = chop,      sh i p = ship, p ai n = pain.

Reading: Reading books will be sent home every day. Words, sounds, sentences and activities will come home throughout the week.

Topic: From now until the end of January we will be looking at all things Scottish which will include some Scottish poetry to celebrate Burn’s Day. I will be asking the children to talk to you about any rhymes or songs and particularly play ground games that you or the Grandparents played when you were young.

In February we will begin a ‘Fairyland’ topic which we will be doing with P2 – this will continue until the Easter holidays.

French: We will be learning more French this term, we have been doing the register in French so we will add to our vocabulary.

PE will continue to be on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has shorts and a T-shirt to change into. Please leave this at school all week. We will also be continuing Scottish Country dancing with P2.

Library will be on a Tuesday every 3 weeks starting towards the end of January.

P1 Homework 12/12/16

This is the last week of homework until we return to school in January.

Sounds: We are doing ‘sh’ and ‘th’ this week. Children will have their usual worksheet and other work later in the week.

Reading: All children have a new reading book. Please continue to revise all words that they are given as this will help with fluency of reading. They have all been given word box 2 words to learn. These words can be sounded out and built back up. Please use the letter cards the children have to help them make the words.



Wednesday 14th: School Christmas lunch. If your child has not ordered a lunch please provide them with a packed lunch from home.

House Christmas sing-off: All children will be involved in this – singing with their ‘house’. There will be a couple of rehearsals for this.

Christmas Party 20th December: P1 and 2 will have their party together. The cost of this is £1- please send this to us in a named envelope. Children are welcome to bring party clothes to school to change into. We will have a special visitor at 2:15 – please join us for the excitement.

I will hold auditions for the campus talent show on 20th December. Only 2 children from each class will be put through to the final. If your child would like to take part please help them with their act. If they require music or costumes they will need to provide this themselves. If you need mats etc please let me know in advance.

Campus Talent Show Final: 22nd December.

Friday 23rd December: Xmas Jumper Day and Church.

Last day of term all finish at 12:00pm

This will probably be my last post until January unless I have forgotten something! Please encourage your child to continue to revise their sounds and get involved in reading books of their own choosing.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!