Primary 1 – 18th December 2017

Well done to P1 and P2 for their amazing performance of Lights, Camel, Action! I am so proud of them all for learning their lines, learning when to come on, singing so well, remembering their dances and most of all performing in front of so many people! I think you will agree they did a fantastic job!

If you have any school library books at home please can they be returned this week.

Tuesday and Wednesday this week the children will be preparing for an inter-house sing-off. The competition is on Thursday – a great many house points at stake!

Wednesday afternoon – Christmas party for P1 and P2. Please send in party clothes for them to change into if they want to. If you haven’t paid your £1 yet please can you do so.

Thursday: the whole school are taking part in a fun Christmas sing-a-long.

Friday we are walking to church for a Christmas service.


Children return on Tuesday 9th January.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and all the best for 2018.


Lisa Cumming


P1 Homework 11/12/17

Please find information about homework and the last couple of weeks of term listed below:

Reading: As per their red reading card. This will be the last week of reading until after the holidays.

Phonics: We are recapping on the last six sounds we have learned. They have the six sound cards in their sound bags so they can go over them and use them to make words.

Please send in any moon observation homework sheets.

Monday 11th Nativity 2:00pm

Tuesday: Pantomime ‘Aladdin’ visiting the school in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Christmas Jumper Day: Your child is welcome to wear a Christmas jumper or T-shirt this can be pre-bought or designed at home! If you would like to make a small donation which is in aid of Mission Christmas with Forth One it would be most welcome.

Christmas lunch is on Wednesday. The staff will serve the children. If your child hasn’t ordered a Christmas lunch they will need to bring a packed lunch as there is no alternative on that day.

Friday: P1 and P2 are going to watch the dress rehearsal of the concert.

Last week of term: No homework this week.

Wednesday: P1 and P2 party: If you have not handed £1 in to school yet please do so. Children can bring their party clothes to change in to after lunch.

Thursday: We will be having an inter-house sing-off and a whole school singalong.

Friday: Church and school finishes at 12:00pm

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework week beginning 27/11/17

Phonics: We begin the next block of sounds this week (see below)

27/11/17 w Reading + words
28/11/17 ng Reading + words
29/11/17 v Reading + words
30/11/17 Reading + words
4/12/17 oo Reading + words
5/12/17 x Reading + words
6/12/17 y Reading + words
7/12/17 Reading + words


Numeracy:  We have been learning about the written word that goes with each number. I will be sending home some numeracy homework related to this.

Nativity: Monday 11th December: 2:00pm.

We will be rehearsing the nativity every day now as we head towards the performance – it is all beginning to come together. Please help your child with their lines if they have a speaking part.

Christmas Fair: This Friday at  12:30pm.  Please keep sending in the donations, they are really appreciated. If anyone can spare some time to help out at all please let us know.  School finishes at the usual time, please then stay and join us at the Christmas Fair.

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework 20/11/17

Reading: Please see reading cards as usual and continue to revise words in word box.

Phonics: This week is a recap week. I have added the set of sounds that we have just been learning to the bag so that the children can use them, with your support, to make small words. It is important that the children don’t sound out the two letter sounds as two sounds, please reinforce the single sound: ‘oa’ as in boat,  ‘ai’ as in pain,  ‘ie’ as in pie and ‘ee’ as in see. This can be quite tricky for the children and they need to keep practising this regularly.

I am also sending home a worksheet to reinforce these trickier sounds.

Thursday: As this week is Road Safety Week the while school are going on a short walk to reinforce the need to ‘Be Safe and Be Seen’; could all children wear something bright or reflective for their outer clothing on Thursday if possible.

Nativity: Reminder – this is on Monday 11th December at 2.00pm. 3 tickets per family. More information to follow about costumes, lines etc.

Lisa Cumming


P1 Homework 13/11/17

Reading: As per the reading card in their reading books. Please also revise all their words regularly.

Phonics: We are learning 3 new sounds this week: ie, ee or and z. The sounds where two letters are together are more complicated and your child may find these harder to learn. It is important that your child understands that the two letters make one sound. We use a short rhyme for the two-vowel sounds: ‘When two vowels go walking the first one does the talking,’ (although this is not  always the case) meaning the first vowel says its name not its sound.

Science: Please continue the moon phase observation sheet.

Miss Brunt and I hope to get more information out this week about the parts in the nativity. All children have been asked if they would like a speaking part and those that wanted to have been auditioned.

Don’t forget we are collecting second-hand or unwanted toys and books for the Christmas Fair -if you have any to donate please hand them in to us or at the office.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework 6/11/17

P1 Homework – week beginning 6/11/17

Phonics: We are now learning the next block of sounds: Please continue to revise the sounds, play games with them and make words.

Date Sound
Monday 6th Nov ai Reading
Tuesday 7th Nov j Reading
Wednesday 8th Nov oa Reading
Thursday 9th Nov Recap all three Reading
Monday 13th Nov ie Reading
Tuesday 14th Nov  ee  or Reading
Wednesday15th Nov z Reading
Thursday 16th Nov Recap all three Reading


Reading: Please help your child learn the words that are in their word box and continue reading as per their reading card.

Letters: There is a letter about the Christmas Fair in your child’s bag. P1 And P2 are collecting second-hand/unwanted toys and books.

Flu Vaccine: The children who have returned their forms will have their flu vaccine on Monday 6th November.

Date for the diary: The P1 /P2 Nativity is on Monday 11th December, time to be confirmed.

Many thanks,

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework 30/10/17

Homework P1 

Reading – Continue with reading – check reading record for homework. There are new words for your child to learn in their word box.
Phonics – We are not learning a new sound this week but recapping on the last 6 sounds we have learned. I am sending home the 6 sound cards to add to the others to use to make words with. I will also be sending home a phonic worksheet for your child to complete for homework and return to school.

If your child has success at an afterschool club or activity please encourage them to bring their news, certificate, badge, trophy etc. into school to share with the class. We are interested in what the children achieve in their wider world of learning.

Could I remind you to return all library books when your child has finished with them. Our next library visit is on 13th November.

Lisa Cumming

P1 Homework: 23/10/17

Primary 1 Homework

Welcome back after the October break – I hope you all had a restful time. This term is a busy one – plenty of learning and other exciting activities too.
A warm welcome to Mrs Ashley Beechman, a PGDE teaching student, she will be working with us for the next five weeks.
Phonics: the three sounds as indicated in the sheet given out before half term: L, F and B.
Reading: Please continue to read daily with your child and to support them to learn the words in their word tin.
Numeracy: We are continuing with the number after and number before – please help your child by asking them what the number before 10 is, the number after 7 etc – if your child can do this confidently within 10 then move to numbers within 20 or beyond.
Our PE days will stay the same – please make sure your child has a T-shirt and shorts in their gym bag.
Topic: We will be doing a novel study called the ‘The Owl Who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson – this will incorporate investigating day and night.
This term we will also begin learning the songs and parts for the nativity – more information to follow.
EXCITING EVENT: Halloween Disco (organised by the parent council) Thursday 26th October – music, fun and games, arts and crafts.
Lisa Cumming