P1 29/10/2018

Homework this week:

Reading: See blue reading diaries and continue to learn the words from their word boxes.

Phonics:  The sounds we are learning this week are – l, f, b. Please complete the relevant sheet in their red book. Also please use the sound cards every child has to help them learn the sound and to build words with.

Other News:

Miss Maley is attending camp this week with the P7s. I will be taking the class for the week,

Halloween Disco: Thursday 1st November – fun and games for all! Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nativity…I know…Already!! The children are beginning to learn the songs for the nativity and next Monday they will have the opportunity to audition for a speaking part in the performance.

Mrs Cumming

P1 homework 22/10

Hello, we hope you and your child enjoyed the October holiday.

Homework for this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book -it helps them to make more sense of what they are reading too.

Phonics: We are learning 3 sounds this week:

Tuesday – g, Wednesday – o, Thursday – u

Please can you help your child to complete the handwriting sheets in their phonics book and to listen for these sounds/ think of words which start with these sounds.

*If you have not done so already please send in a small box or tin for your child’s words.

PE Kits

Please ensure all children have their PE kits for their PE lesson on Wednesday. Every child should have named T-Shirt and Shorts.

Thank you for your support to help your child’s learning.

P1 8th October 2018

Homework this week:

Reading: Please see the blue reading record book and continue to help your child learn the words in their word box. It is really important that the children learn these words so that they can begin to feel that they are successfully reading their book -it helps them to make more sense of what they are reading too.

Phonics: We are not learning any new sounds this week but we are recapping the ones we have learned to far and blending the sounds to make small words that are made of a consonant – vowel -consonant (CVC words) such as CAT, HAT, NAP, MAP, CAN etc. We will send new sound cards out when the photocopier is up and running again – apologies for this!

Numeracy: Please help your child with counting back from 10 to 0, if they are able to do this then please help them with counting back from 20 – 0 (this can be done in small stages 12 – 0, 15 -0 etc).

*If you have not done so already please send in a small box or tin for your child’s words.

We will send PE kit home to for washing this week. After the holidays please ensure it is returned on the Monday in preparation for PE on the Tuesday. Every child should have named T-Shirt and Shorts.


Wednesday – Parents Evening from 17:30 onwards.
Thursday – Parents Afternoon from 15:30 onwards.

Half-Term Break: We finish on Friday at the usual time of 12:25pm. We wish everyone a safe, fun and restful half term break.

Thank you for your support to help your child settle into school over these past weeks.

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming

P1 homework 24/09/18

Hello Parents and Carers

Phonics: This week your child will be bringing home their red phonics book in their bookbags. This will have the handwriting sheets for the sounds we are covering in the class over the next few weeks. 

 Monday – handwriting sheet for the letters ‘c’ & ‘k’.

Tuesday – handwriting sheet for the letter ‘e’.

Wednesday – handwriting sheet for the letter ‘h’.

Please can you only complete the sound covered in class each day. 

Reading: We are continuing with wordless books at the moment. On Thursday your child will be bringing home the first words they will need to learn for the next stage of their reading books.


Sound Bags: Every child has a small bag with the sound cards in. Please use these cards to help your child make small 2 or 3 letter words, eg. sat   at   in   pin  pat  nap   pan.

Topic: This week as part of our early man topic we will be continuing to decorate our class cave. If you have any spare magazines or newspapers please can you send them in to help us make some rocks. Thank you.

We still have several items of uniform in our class which are unclaimed and have no name in. If you are missing something please pop in.


Thank you

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming

P1 Homework 17/09/18


Monday: Children will have the handwriting sheet for the letter ‘n’                 Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday children will have some recap work on the last six sounds we have done – s a t i p n                                   

Sound Bags: Every child has a small bag with the sound cards in. Please use these cards to help your child make small 2 or 3 letter words, eg. sat   at   in   pin  pat  nap   pan.

Reading: We are continuing with wordless books at the moment. Your child will soon be bringing home a tin with the first words in, they need to learn these words for when they go onto the next stage of their reading books.


TOPIC: This term we will be learning about Early Man, if you have any large pieces of cardboard please could you send it in to help us make a cave.

We will also be looking at Harvest in a couple of weeks.

Please could you send in any clean boxes, yogurt pots, kitchen roll tubes, plastic containers etc for junk modelling. (NB No nut product containers please)

Events: The photographer from The Advertiser will be in school on Friday – please make sure your child is in school uniform. If you have not returned the letter to order copies of the paper please do so as quickly as possible.


If your child does not have both a t-shirt and shorts for PE please could you sen them in.

We have several items of uniform in our class which are unclaimed and have no name in if you are missing something please pop in. PLEASE NAME YOUR CHILD’S CLOTHING.

Thank you,

Miss Maley and Mrs Cumming




Another Successful Health Week!

This week has been our Health Week at Loanhead Primary, and what an amazing week it has been.  Every class has enjoyed learning about health and wellbeing as well as trying out different sports and healthy activities.  We thank Mrs Duncan for organising this week for us, without her then this week could not have happened.

Classes kicked off the week with our amazing sports day, another thanks to Mrs Duncan and the P7s for running this for the school.  It was a lovely afternoon filled with a lot of laughter and team spirit and it was great to see so many parents, carers, friends and family here to support the pupils.

The rest of the week was filled with our early morning warm ups in the playground, American Football, Football, Hockey, Cycling, Rugby, Judo, Movement to Music, Yoga, Judo, Relaxation, Healthy food making, Dance, Sleep and gaming awareness, Police talks, Internet safety, our fabulous bike breakfast (storm Hector can not stop us!) and so much more!

Here are some photos of this amazing week.


P1 week beginning 21.05.18

Hi all hope you had a nice long weekend!


Our homework this week:


  • Reading– New reading books were issued today. Children should continue to read these each night.
  • Common words– This week our common words are: by, what, all and were. These are in the green jotters.
  • Words in tins– most children will have had new words added to their tins this week. Children should continue to practise these at home.
  • Rhyme– Our rhyming sounds this week are “ay” and “ill”. Children will have homework based on these on paper and these should be completed in green jotters.


Events this week:


Summer Fair- Our summer fair will be held this Friday (25th May) at 11am. Could parents please collect children at 11am from their classroom. Children were given letters out about this on Friday.


PE– This week children will be having PE on Wednesday and Thursday. Please remember to bring in kit.


Library books– There are still a few outstanding library books from this class, can you please make sure all library books are returned as soon as possible.


What we are learning this week:


Maths/Numeracy- This week we will be continuing with number structures to 10 and will be revising addition and subtraction. We will also be looking at money and being able to give the correct change as part of our maths.


Literacy– We will be continuing to look at rhyme and our rhyming sounds this week are “ay” and “ill”.


Other– We will still be looking at the 5 senses for our topic and will be looking at taste this week. We will also be learning numbers 1-10 in French.


Thank you for your continued support,


Miss Cummings.

P1 Week Beginning 14.5.18

Hi all,

This week in literacy we will be continuing with our rhyme topic and will cover“et”, “ot” and “ee”.  We will also be continuing to look at poetry and we will be writing our own rhyming poems this week. In numeracy we will be looking at number bonds to 10, halving numbers up to 20 and will be revising number formation and counting backwards from 20 to 0. We will also be continuing with our senses topic.

Our homework this week:


  • Reading– New reading books will be issued tomorrow (Monday). Children should continue to read these each night.
  • Common words– This week our common words are: said, not, have and up. These are in the green jotters.
  • Words in tins– most children will have had new words added to their tins this week. Children should continue to practise these at home.
  • Rhyme– Our rhyming sounds this week are “et”, “ot” and “ee”. Children will have homework based on these on paper and these should be completed in green jotters.


Events this week:


National Numeracy Day– Wednesday is National Numeracy Day which focuses on using numeracy in everyday life. Check out Twitter for updates during the day!


Library– We will be visiting the school library on Friday this week so please make sure all books are returned so children can take out new ones.


Dress Down Day– Friday is also a dress down day, can children please dress down and bring a suitable prize for the tombola for the school summer fair.


Also, can all parent questionnaires be returned by tomorrow (Monday 14th May).


Thank you for all your support,


Miss Cummings.