P7 Camp Information

Not long to go now 🙂 Please note pupils can never have enough gloves or socks 🙂

TUESDAY DROP OFF. Pupils will be getting ready to leave at 10am.  A letter has been sent home which says that you are welcome to come into school at 8.50 but pupils and all their belongings must meet in the large hall where you are welcome to wait.  Please do not come to school any later than 9.45.

Below is some information that has already been given to pupils but can be accessed here if needed.

Parent Meeting Presentation 2017-28svzh3


Please note from the Kit list and expectations that pupils should bring no electrical equipment, phones or snacks/sweets.

Pupils will meet their groups at Bonnyrigg Primary next Friday morning and will find out their dorms nearer the time.


MED 1 – form

MED 2 – form

Primary 6 Homework 20/1/17

Groups reading Street Child and Mr Stink have homework for Tuesday 24/1/17. Please encourage pupils to bring their reading book and reading bookmark for the date the reading is due. Thank you.

All pupils have maths worksheet for Friday 27/1/17

All pupils to learn a poem by Robert Burns for Tuesday 24/1/17.

P4 Homework 18.1.17

Homework 18/01/17

Homework should have been distributed as normal yesterday despite my absence.

Please note there is a special activity at the bottom of the post.

Spelling– Week 2) o-e and ew

Gorillas (ew) sound like in day or pay

Pandas (o-e) sound

Wolves (o-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g bon  bone)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Write a sentence with each word from your spelling list.

Reading- Homework should have been distributed as normal yesterday despite my absence.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Yellow- No reading, but see poetry competition at bottom.

Blue – Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo Read to the end for Tuesday 24th January

Green –  See bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits and  I have begun a competition this week on Sumdog. The children are very keen to participate in this but please remind them that it is for fun and not to feel bad if they aren’t able to spend as much time as others on the computer.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

Poetry Recital Competition for Scottish Month.

The children have been given the opportunity to read, learn and recite a poem for a recital competition that the school are hosting on Wednesday 25th January.

The children may have brought home more than one poem to read but they should only learn one if they wish to take part.

On Monday 23rd of January we will be holding an audition in the afternoon to see who will be put through for Wednesday’s final!

P3 Poetry

I have sent home three Scots poems today. Could you please choose one with your child and help them learn it for Monday. On Monday we will have a class recital competition and the two winners will be chosen to go forward to the whole school competition on Wednesday 25th.

I have printed the poems out and have attached a copy if anybody needs it.

P3 Scots poems-2gr8vrx

If anybody knows of anyone who plays the bagpipes or does Scottish dancing could you please contact me. I have a little favour to ask!

Miss Prior


P7 information etc.

FOR 22/1/17 – Learn and recite (with expression) Tam O’Shanter.  We have been working on this in class, have translated it and watched a video.  Some pupils are trying to learn it all but others are choosing at least 15 lines to recite for the competition next week.

Primary 7 have been working on long multiplication (e.g. 367×45) using the vertical sum method and have also been revising short division.  They should be able to show you what we have been doing and explain how they would “work the sums out”.  I have been encouraging pupils to work as fast as possible with accuracy and to finish work in the set times as this is very much a high school expectation – If work is unfinished it will be sent home – thank you for your support.  There is a real need for pupils to learn their times tables and how these times tables fit with division (e.g. 6×6=36 so 36 divided by 6 is 6) Pupils know their own individual targets for times tables (they all have them) and are taking responsibility to learn these.

We are doing a lot of reading comprehension and inferential questioning and will be breaking out into “reading groups” after camp.  Pupils should always have a silent reading book and are encouraged to read a book until the end in order to be reflective.

Please can pupils bring a homework diary because pupils will have individual homework activities that they should record.

I set weekly sumdog challenges and I encourage pupils to try some brain teasing exercises and problem solving like these, should they wish



We are also working hard on our STEM challenges with VEX robotics and pupils have been using “hour of code” and can do so at home.





Primary 5 homework for week starting 16/01/17


Write all word 3 times each in neat columns. Learn your words, then ask someone at home to test you on them.

P5 Spelling words for week starting 16-2jgbsb2

Scottish Poetry

As part of our Scottish focus in January, all children are being asked to learn and recite a Scottish Poem.  Primary 5 can choose from the 3 poems given.  They will all be given the opportunity to recite these in class, next week.

The Auld Broon Troot-1qkucth

P1 Homework week beginning 16/01/17

Sounds: We are about to learn the last six sounds from the Jolly Phonics Programme, these will come home in their bags over this week and next. Please continue to recap the sounds they have learnt already.

Reading: New books will come home on Monday with associated words and tasks.

Show and Tell: An information sheet regarding Show and Tell will be in their homework bags. Three children will be selected to do show and tell on a Friday morning each week. They will be told on Monday so they can prepare for it. Please help your child to develop their skills in listening and talking by encouraging them to add detail and interest to their talk when it is their turn.

Topic: As it is Scottish month the children will have a Scottish rhyme or poem to learn at home. As a school we are having a Scottish poetry recital competition. Please help your child to learn their poem.

We would welcome any donations of newspaper please.

P2 Homework W/B 16.1.17

P2 homework this week:-

Spelling – List 18 – wh– ( unless specified otherwise)

Reading – ongoing

Maths (Time) – continue to learn the months of the year in order and also the days of the week. The children have been having fun taking part in the ‘Month Mountain’ challenge!

Scottish Month – As January is the month to reflect on Robert Burns, our  school is taking part in Scottish activities. Thus, we have decided to run a school poetry recital competition. Children will get a choice of poems to try and learn one from and perform from memory. I’ll send home a poetry sheet on Wednesday for one poem to be learned by next Monday. Two children from each class will be chosen to go forward to the recital final on Wednesday 25th January.

TopicElectricity continues. Last week, we sorted items by power sources  ( mains or batteries or both). This week, we’ll investigate how simple circuits work.

Show and Tell – Week 2 Rota

Library – begins again this Friday. Please note, only children who have returned their previous book will be able to borrow a new book.


Miss Brunt