P6 Home Learning W/B 7.5.19

Hi all,

Here is the homework for the week.

Spelling – New list as usual.

Reading – We’re reading poetry books in school.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach – Children should be preparing their presentations/lessons at home. I’ll catch up with everyone as to what they’re doing, what resources/spaces are needed and pencil in a date and time.

Bikeability return slips should now be in.

PE is on Tuesday and Thursday.

That’s all for now,

Miss S Brunt

P2 Homework w.b. 6.5.19


Just a reminder that Monday (6th) is a holiday for staff and pupils, so school will resume on Tuesday 7th May. Also, Monday 20th May is a holiday for pupils and a training day for staff.

Apologies I did not send out the numeracy homework last week, was very busy with camp etc. I will send that out for next weeks homework instead!

Reading: Pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record. All groups will be moving on to non-fiction books within the coming weeks.

Spelling: We are learning the sound ‘ow’ as in clown, brown and crown. This weeks spelling list will have words with this sound and tricky words.

The last topics we will be covering this term will be ‘Loanhead Local Study’, ‘MiniBeasts’ and ‘Electricity’. I am hoping to squeeze a week long dinosaur topic too as the children have requested this!

I hope you all have a fab bank holiday weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller

p3 Homework week 29/04/2019


This weeks spelling sounds are  ‘-are’ as in ‘care’ and ‘share’ found on list 22 of the spelling sheet . As usual can you write the words out in your choice of format and then write three sentences for three of your spelling words.

In addition to this I am going to send home a common words work book which we will be working through one page a week for the rest of term. This is due to recent a assessment highlighted that a lot of children are still finding these challenging so this will be a big focus for us over the final weeks in p3… final weeks in p3, can you believe it?!


HedgehogsThe Night of the Ticklers

Tuesday – Chapter 2 and 3

Wednesday – Chapter 4 and 5

Thursday –Chapter 6 and 7

Friday – Chapter 8 and 9

Pandas – Dangerous Trainers

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

utans – The Great Spaghetti Suit

Tuesday –Chapter 1

Wednesday –Chapter 2

Thursday- Chapter 3

Tigers – What Was It Like?

Tuesday –p1-8

Wednesday –p8-16

Thursday- p16-24

Friday – p24-32

Polar Bears – Red Planet

Tuesday – p1-8

Wednesday – p8-16

Thursday- p17-24

Friday – p25-32

Miss Ramsay and Miss Dickson

P4 Homework 29/04/19

This week P4 have the following homework.

Spelling: as per their homework jotter. Please make sure your child writes sentences that include their spelling words. The sentences must not start with ‘I’.

Numeracy: We are having a times tables focus at the moment, knowing their times tables will help with a lot of activities in numeracy and maths. e.g. fractions, division, measure, addition, money.  We learn them in the following order:  10x, 2x, 5x, 3x, 4x. This is the minimum we aim for children to know by the end of P4.

Reading: Please refer to the reading diary.

PE will continue to be on Wednesday and Thursdays.

Next Monday –  6th May is a holiday for staff and children.

Our main topic this term is ‘The Romans’.

Thank you,

Lisa Cumming

P6 Home Learning 29.4.19

Hi all,

Here is the homework for the week.

Spelling – New list as usual.

Reading – We’re reading poetry books in school so no books will be sent home.

Numeracy – I’ve put a new challenge on Sumdog. It’s a decimal challenge with 100 coins to get.

Pupil Talks/Kids Teach –  As we don’t have enough time to do both, children will choose to do either a Pupil Talk or plan and teach the class a short lesson. Children can work in pairs if they wish.  Some children are champing at the bit to get started. More information will follow on Tuesday. Everyone will get a couple of weeks to prepare.

PE is on Tuesday and Thursday.

Reminder – Next Monday (6th) is a holiday and the school is closed to pupils and staff.

That’s all for now, thanks for your support.

Miss S Brunt





P2 Homework w.b. 29.4.19

Hi all,

I hope you all had a lovely break and got a chance to enjoy the weather while it lasted. It has been so lovely to hear what all the children have been up to, it sounded like everyone had a very busy Easter!

I didn’t send any homework last week as we had a revision week and I wanted to assess the children’s reading. I will be taking the class full time now, so I plan on sending homework out on Monday for it to be returned on Friday. I am aware that family life can be very busy during the week so if you would like your child to have their reading book home for the weekend,  then please just either catch me at the end of the day or note it in your child’s reading record and I will make sure the book goes home on a Friday.

I am going to camp with Primary 5 this week (Wednesday – Friday) so Mrs Wallace and Miss Ramsay will be covering the class while I am away.

Homework for this week:

Reading: The pages to be read will be written in your child’s green reading record. Please could you sign your child’s reading record every night when you do reading. We are working a lot on expression and fluency in our reading this term.

Spelling: This week we are learning the ‘ou’ sound like in house, loud, flour. The children will have a list of words including this sound and some tricky words.

Numeracy: There will be a worksheet with a mix of different numeracy questions that we have covered this year (missing addend, doubles etc.). This is to be returned by Friday please.

I hope you are having a lovely weekend,

Miss Lauren Waller






p3 Weekend Homework 26/04/2019

Hi all,

As you know reading books have not went out this week as we have been doing lots of assessments this week and possibly looking at moving some pupils groups.

Homework that has been sent home this week is a letter layout and a letter features checklist. The expectation is that the children will write me a letter  detailing what they have been doing in their Easter holidays. Children are to be encouraged to use cursive writing as well as varied connectives and punctuation. This is the only homework this week.

Thanks in advance for your support with this,

Miss Ramsay

P6 Home Learning and News W/B Tuesday 23rd April 2019

Hi all,

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a relaxing break and that this recent glorious weather stays around for a long time.

The final term is here, with a couple of Monday holidays in May for the pupils. Time seems to have whizzed past. We have such a lot of learning to squeeze in: with mini science topics such as Electricity, Space and Living and Growing; a historical look back in time studying The Jacobites; the annual Poetry Competition, Health Week with Sports Day , Bikeabilty, a Novel StudyPupil Talks and/or Kids teach; the Summer Fair… the list seems to go on!

Homework this week consists of spelling only. There will be lots of information to follow about other events and tasks when required.

Children will continue to read daily in class, choosing from a set range of novels this term and there will also be poetry homework soon.


It would be very helpful if children can come to school prepared with writing pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, coloured pens etc. Everyone is required to bring indoor shoes and a full PE kit. At the moment, PE is on Tuesday and Thursdays. Children should only have water to drink in class although may bring juice as part of a packed lunch.


Thank you,

Miss S  Brunt