P6 Home Learning and News W/B Tuesday 23rd April 2019

Hi all,

Welcome back!  I hope everyone had a relaxing break and that this recent glorious weather stays around for a long time.

The final term is here, with a couple of Monday holidays in May for the pupils. Time seems to have whizzed past. We have such a lot of learning to squeeze in: with mini science topics such as Electricity, Space and Living and Growing; a historical look back in time studying The Jacobites; the annual Poetry Competition, Health Week with Sports Day , Bikeabilty, a Novel StudyPupil Talks and/or Kids teach; the Summer Fair… the list seems to go on!

Homework this week consists of spelling only. There will be lots of information to follow about other events and tasks when required.

Children will continue to read daily in class, choosing from a set range of novels this term and there will also be poetry homework soon.


It would be very helpful if children can come to school prepared with writing pencils, rubbers, sharpeners, coloured pens etc. Everyone is required to bring indoor shoes and a full PE kit. At the moment, PE is on Tuesday and Thursdays. Children should only have water to drink in class although may bring juice as part of a packed lunch.


Thank you,

Miss S  Brunt

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