🎵 House sing off – MONDAY! 🎄

All pupils in Loanhead will be taking part in their House Sing Off on Monday.  Lots of House Points are at stake.

  • Edgelaw are singing – Merry Christmas Everybody
  • Dryden – I wish it could be Christmas everyday
  • Gladhouse – I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

Bring in Christmas jumpers, props, Santa Hats, antlers etc to make it as fun as possible 🙂


🎄 P7 have parties on Wednesday 14th of December

🎄Nursery, P1 and P2 will have parties on Friday 16th December

🎄P3,4,5,6 have parties on Monday 19th December.

Cost is £1 – please give to class teacher.

Children may come to school in appropriate party clothes or bring something to change into.  Please remember sensible shoes and outdoor clothing even on party days.

This information was also in a newsletter and email to parents.


🎄 P1 Week Beginning 12.12.22

I can’t believe how fast this first term has gone. Primary 1 have settled into the school routine so well and are making us all so proud. Thank you so much to all the parents/carers for all of your support this first term too, it has been so wonderful getting to know you all.

There is lots happening on the last week of school, please see below for dates and info.

Monday 12th – P1/2 Nativity for Parents/Carers. Starts at 2pm but please arrive for the earliest 1:45pm.

Tuesday 13th – P1/2 get to watch the P3-7 Christmas show dress rehearsal.

Wednesday 14th – Nursery/P1 watch an in school Panto at 9:15am.

Thursday 15th – P1 are going to have a Christmas movie afternoon, the children can bring in some extra treats and some juice to have while watching the movie.

Friday 16th – P1/2 Christmas party! The children can come to school dressed in party clothes for this.

Monday 19th – House Sing off

Tuesday 20th – Morning at church and end of term at 3:15pm 

⭐ Christmas fair total 🎄

Thank you to our brilliant House Captains who helped organise the Christmas Fair on Friday. To everyone in P7 and other classes who organised  stalls, I think everyone would agree you did a marvellous job. To the Teachers, Learning Assistants and parents who volunteered before, during and after the event, thank you for giving your time and effort .

To all the families who supported us by coming along and having fun, thank you, you have all helped to make a difference. I am delighted to tell you that we made £1812.79

Thank you once again

Mrs Caldwell

🌟P1-2 Nativity news 🌟

Nativity mania has hit P1 and P2 and we are so excited to invite families in, once again, to see us perform our Nativity.

Children have been working hard to learn songs, lines and dances and have done amazingly well.  Thanks to parents and those at home for helping support learning during this time instead of our usual, traditional, home learning.

Nativity does not come free, unfortunately, so we are asking parents to pay £2 per family to attend the performance.  This will cover the licence, some costumes etc.  Every little helps.

The performance will be on 12th December at 2pm. Please arrive to school no earlier than 1.45pm, 2 people per family only.

We have sent out letter this week to ask families if they are attending, please return this along with your donation by Friday,

Thanks so Much

Mrs Hinton and Miss Waller

P1 Week Beginning 28.11.22

Nativity: We are well under way with our rehearsals and we are looking forward to performing for the school and parents. We are performing the Nativity for the parents on Monday 12th December at 2pm. 

Christmas Fair: Our annual fundraiser is on Friday 2nd December and we are still collecting donations for our stalls. We are looking for chocolate, bottles, nearly new toys and gifts. Thank you. P7 are doing a ‘Guess the name of the teddy bear’ and ‘How many sweets are in the jar’ fundraiser on Wed/Thurs – guesses are 50p.

Thursday 8th December – School Christmas lunch and Christmas jumper day. Please hand in your child’s Christmas lunch preferences ASAP. 

Wednesday 14th December – Panto for Nursery to P4

Friday 16th DecemberP1/2 Christmas Party. Children can come to school dressed for their Christmas party!


Reading: Some children have moved onto a new stage of reading books (Stage 2), with each book they will get a little green piece of card with new key words they have to learn. By the end of the Stage 2 books, they have to know all of their key words by sight before moving onto a new Stage. For example, the first Stage 2 book is ‘The Toys’ Party’ and the key words printed on green card are ‘he, was, put’. Please remember to sign your child’s green reading record when homework has been completed. 

Sounds: We are learning v and oo (short oo and long oo) this week. The children will only have two phonic worksheets to complete – one for v and one for oo. Please ensure your child completes these as it so important for them to practise their letter formation when writing new sounds. 

Please ensure that your child brings their book bag to school EVERYDAY, as we will be doing reading everyday. They will be kept in school on a Friday, in order to have new homework ready for the following Monday.

P.E will be on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. 

Thank you, 

Miss Lauren Waller


🌟P2 28.11.22 🌟

This week will be the last week of reading books.  I will send home common words check lists for you to keep at home and revise. 5-6 a week is usually a good amount to learn.

Nativity – there will be a separate post about this,  Please bring costumes in by Friday and continue to learn, learn, learn the lines with your child if they have some.

There is no spelling or maths home learning set but there is a lot of revision that you can do at home should you wish.

CHRISTMAS FAIR – Separate info will be on the letter sent out last week.  The fair is on Friday, please keep your donations coming in.

CHRISTMAS LUNCH AND JUMPER DAY – 8th December – please bring order forms in by Thursday,