Hi all,
I hope you all had a wonderful and restful break before the madness of the last term begins!
I am still waiting for 3 Seesaw letters to be signed and returned. Your child cannot access digital learning through SeeSaw if they do not bring their letter.
P1 Trip Letters should be handed in ASAP. If you need a new one, please let me know.
Family photos can still be emailed/brought in to add to our family wall. Thank you to everyone who has passed theirs on!
If your child is going to the Multi-sports club on Wednesday after school, they can be collected from outside the school office at 4:15pm.
Next week, I will be going to P7 camp, I will be away Mon – Fri and someone else will be taking Primary 1.
Reading: We have had a revamp with our reading groups so your child might tell you they are in a different reading group. As always, please take the time to talk about the book with your child and listen to them read each night. Please continue to learn key words too.
Phonics/Spelling: Children will bring home their spelling jotter with a new list of words to practise TOMORROW (TUESDAY). This should be handed in on Friday. Please remember that it is really important you tell your child the words to be spelt and they do this independently.
P.E – Children have P.E. on Wednesday with Miss Simpson and Thursday with Mrs Lynch. Please ensure your child brings a P.E kit to change into.
Dates for the Diary
Friday 21st April – Bring your bike to the school playground to get a checkover at the Bike tent.
P1 Library Visits:
- Friday 5th May
- Friday 9th June
- Friday 23rd June
P1 Stay and Play:
- Friday 19th May
- Friday 16th June
Thank you,
Miss Lauren Waller