🎄 P1 Week Beginning 12.12.22

I can’t believe how fast this first term has gone. Primary 1 have settled into the school routine so well and are making us all so proud. Thank you so much to all the parents/carers for all of your support this first term too, it has been so wonderful getting to know you all.

There is lots happening on the last week of school, please see below for dates and info.

Monday 12th – P1/2 Nativity for Parents/Carers. Starts at 2pm but please arrive for the earliest 1:45pm.

Tuesday 13th – P1/2 get to watch the P3-7 Christmas show dress rehearsal.

Wednesday 14th – Nursery/P1 watch an in school Panto at 9:15am.

Thursday 15th – P1 are going to have a Christmas movie afternoon, the children can bring in some extra treats and some juice to have while watching the movie.

Friday 16th – P1/2 Christmas party! The children can come to school dressed in party clothes for this.

Monday 19th – House Sing off

Tuesday 20th – Morning at church and end of term at 3:15pm 

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