P7 Info / Homework – Week Beg: 7th September

Hi P7,

Annual Data Check – There are some Annual Data Check forms still to be returned to school. If you could check school bags and ensure these are completed and returned that would be great.

PE – Remember to come dressed in appropriate clothing to do PE on Monday.


This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings practice and reading, which will be set on Monday morning during our reading groups.

Maths Learning Intention: We are learning to use BOMDAS.

BOMDAS stands for; Brackets, Of, Multiplication, Division, Addition & Subtraction.

Success Criteria: I can use the operators ( x, divide, -, +) in the correct order to calculate the answer.

This should be revision of work learnt in class this past week.

Thanks for your support,

Mr. Nelson

Primary 1 Week beginning 31st of August

The pupils have been enjoying using the Zones of Regulation to help them to discuss their emotions and where they feel they are throughout the day,  they used this language in nursery and talk very well about their “zone”.  There is no negative zone – because emotions are natural, but we talk about the optimum for learning as green and strategies to help get back onto green so they are ready to learn 🙂

This week I will be sending out some books which go over the names of the ORT characters and the first key words.  I have also included flash cards for each child to use at home to learn the words as well.

Pupils should read at home each night – discuss the story and the pictures, look at the words, point out and find words, follow the words with their reading finger.  Flashcards will be sent home for each new stage of the reading books, these should be used regularly to help consolidate learning if possible.

Pupils are learning numbers 1-10 and how to write them, playing games with 2 dice or dominoes will help them to count and recognise numbers and practising formation on numbers would be another worthwhile activity – this is what we have been working on this week.

I have sent home a letter requesting permission to use seesaw app for learning journaling, if this has not been returned I would appreciate if this could be done ASAP. click the link to download seesaw letter or email permission to k.hinton@mgfl.net.

Many thanks

Mrs Hinton

P5 Info – 31.8.20 🌟

Hi all,

What another wonderful week we had in Primary 5! We have just started our new topic ‘Victorians’ and I just know we are going to have lots of fun as we learn more about this era.

Just another gentle reminder that children should only bring essentials to school (water bottle, snack and lunch – pencil cases are optional). They should not be bringing any personal items such as Pokemon cards, toys or anything that is not essential for their day at school. Thank you.

We had a great science lesson with Mrs Cumming on Monday afternoon, learning all about germs and I am excited to see what we will learn tomorrow.

Homework 📝  (Sent out on Monday and to be returned by Friday)

Reading 📚- I realised last week that I completely forgot to get the children reading records to note down what pages should be read when. Apologises for this, but this week I have got them sorted. This week your child will come home with their book and a green ‘reading record’ jotter, in this they will write what pages have to be read for homework. Please can you sign beside the date to show that homework has been completed, thank you. Books have to be brought in everyday so children can participate in their reading group. 

Spelling ✏️ – I was very impressed by the effort and care the children took when completing their spelling homework – great work!! The children will copy their new list tomorrow morning and should be completed in the same way. Written twice in cursive and then at least one activity completed from the Spelling Menu, which is on Google Classroom.

Maths/Numeracy 🔢 – I know some children had trouble accessing their GLOW accounts as passwords changed last week. I gave out new passwords last week but if they get lost or there any issues with logging in, then please get in touch. This week I have uploaded a place value homework activity to be completed on Google Classroom.

If you ever need anything please don’t hesitate to get in touch – L.Waller@mgfl.net

Miss Lauren Waller


P6 Info – W/B Monday 31st August 2020

Hi all,

Spelling – Thanks so much to everyone who completed their spelling homework on time and took care over neatness and presentation.   New spelling list on Monday.

Maths – Children were set a maths task on Glow last week but I hear that some pupils had difficulties logging in with their new (or old) passwords. With this in mind, please don’t worry if the maths task was not started.  I’ll send home a new maths task in the form of a worksheet this Wednesday instead. Hope fully, we’ll resolve the Glow log-in issues in due course.

In maths, we have been looking at times tables patterns,  numbers up to one billion, place value, squared numbers  and every Friday, revising the properties of 2d shape.

Top Marks website has a fun mental maths game called Hit the Button – children could be playing this at home to revise tables, division, doubles and halves.


Reading – We have read up to the end of Chapter 4 in Kensuke’s Kingdom, where the main character Michael is washed up on a deserted island ( or so he thinks). We have had lots of discussion around basic survival skills. Children produced wonderful pieces of descriptive writing which focused on using senses to convey the struggle Michael had when he fell into the ocean. We also looked at how to paint ocean waves in art and have created some super  work using pencil, chalk and paint.

PE – Please remember to come dressed for outdoor PE on Tuesdays.

Outdoor play – Can children please come to school with a waterproof jacket as autumn is now upon us and the weather is very changeable.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt




P7 Homework – Week Beg: Monday 31st August

Hi P7,

Homework: Set on Monday to be returned by Friday.

This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings and reading, which will be set on Monday morning during our reading groups.

Learning Intention: We are learning to multiply by multiples of 10, 100 & 1000.

This should be revision and consolidation of classwork last week.

Please see the attachments on Google Classroom for homework.

I have attached the link to Google Classroom below.

Simply copy and paste into your browser.



I am aware of a few pupils who are having issues with accessing Google Classroom. I have sent their new passwords home with them last Friday. If there are any more problems gaining access to the homework, let me know and I will resolve these issues for them.

Thanks for your support,

C. Nelson

P4 Homework w/b 24.8.20


  • Spelling: pupils have written their new spelling words in their jotter on Wednesday this week. At home they should use:                                                    LOOK   THINK   COVER   WRITE   CHECKto write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional second activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Tuesday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Wednesday each week.

    Please cover your child’s homework jotter using wrapping paper or old wallpaper to help keep it from ripping as it goes back and forth between home and school. All pupils have also been given a plastic folder to help with this transition.

  • Numeracy & Maths: please use the enclosed activity sheet to practise addition work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Tuesday of the following week.
  • Reading: all pupils have been allocated a new reading book which will go home on Wednesday each week to be returned on Friday for in class activities and then taken home to be returned again on Tuesday with their other homework
  • PE/Health & Wellbeing: will be an outdoor activity where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on the allocated day each week (see dates below).  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt and outdoor showerproof jacket. We have no changing areas at present so children will wear their kit for the day.
    Date P.E. / Health & Wellbeing Activity Day
    27.08.20 Thursday
    01.09.20 Tuesday
    10.09.20 Thursday
    15.09.20 Tuesday
    24.09.20 Thursday
    29.09.20 Tuesday
    05.10.20 Thursday
    13.10.20 Tuesday

Additional Information

Mrs Cumming will be joining P4 on Friday mornings each week to explore some science topics   – we are really looking forward to this!

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy


P3 Homework w/b 24.8.2020

Hi all,

Hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and start to the week. Today I have sent home the first lot of homework. Your child has been sent home with a blue jotter. In the front of  jotter is a spelling sheet on silent -b which is our sound from last week for a bit of consolidation and in the back is a maths/numeracy grid. Only one of the numeracy activities needs to be done each week and once an activity has been completed confidently it can be coloured green. If there is any written practise you wish to do this can also been done in the back of the jotter. I have opted to limit it to only a reading book and one homework jotter coming home so as to reduce any risk around COVID 19. All reading pages will be updated on this page. I had originally planned to use Google Classroom for everything however we are currently in the process of updating passwords at the request of glow and I know many parents prefer to minimise screen time too. At the present moment I will be sending homework out on a Tuesday and will be asking for it to be returned on a Friday. Whilst I know that unfortunately this gives a reduced amount of time in which to complete it, it allows the jotters and books to have the recommended quarantine period before marking them. Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause.

Also a quick reminder that tomorrow is our PE day so children must be dressed appropriately.


Polka Dots

Bertie Wiggins’ Amazing Ears

Tuesday- Chapter 1

Wednesday-Chapter 2

Thursday -Chapter 3


Key to Trouble

Tuesday –  p1-8

Wednesday – p9-16

Thursday p17 – 24

Friday (will be read in school) p 24-32


Survival Adventure

Tuesday –  p1-8

Wednesday – p9-16

Thursday p17 – 24

Friday (will be read in school) p 24-32


A Fright in the Night

Tuesday – p1-6

Wednesday – p6-12

Thursday – p13-18

Friday (will be read in school)- p18-24


Camping Adventure

Tuesday – p1-6

Wednesday – p6-12

Thursday – p13-18

Friday (will be read in school)- p18-24

Lightening Bolts

Strawberry Jam

Tuesday – p1-4

Wednesday – p5-8

Thursday  -p9-12

Friday (will be read in school) p13-16

Can I also ask that you are going over your child’s key words every night with them. This can be through just simple flash cards and book hunting or more active learning such as splat, twister, noughts and crosses, connect four. If you need any other ideas don’t hesitate to ask. If you find you are missing the keywords for your child’s stage email me at: k.ramsay@mgfl.net and I will get you a copy sent home.

Children in some of the groups levels do not carry key words and instead we are looking at Fry’s first and second hundred common and tricky words. These can be easily googled and youtubed but again if you would prefer a printed copy email me and I will send a physical copy home.

Have a wonderful week everyone,

Miss Ramsay

P1 News and Information 25th August

Dear Parents/Carers,

We had a busy week last week and the class are settling into the routine of primary 1.  Mrs Black is not with us this week so we have some lovely nursery ladies in to help each day which will be lovely for us.

We are looking at The Zones of Regulation and emotions this week with a look at “The colour monster” book to help children understand their emotions and come up with strategies to get them back to “green-calm and ready to learn.”

I have not sent reading books home yet because I have been thinking of the safest way to have homework coming back and forward from school to home etc.  Other classes use Google Classroom but I do not feel this is suitable for us just now – I will send information home about Seesaw this week – it is an app like learning journals where we can share learning and information, I would like us to use this in P1 as an extension of our classroom as I know it is hard with you being unable to come inside etc.

This week, choose a book your child loves and talk about being ready to read – how to hold books, gently turn pages, use a finger to follow words right to left etc.  Ask the child to recognise some letter sounds that we have done and talk about reading pictures 🙂

Our sounds this week are “t” (Monday) and “i” (Wednesday) and next week we will be working on “p” and “n”. Pupils have a jolly phonics workbook they can work on at home.  In the current climate can this be kept at home and worked on weekly and returned when guidance allows us or when complete?  It is important to work at the same pace as school – Usually 2 sounds a week (pupils learn to write and recognise the sound, say the song with action, colour the picture and either practise writing the sound or words with the sound in it around the picture – in pencil if possible).

In numeracy we are looking at writing letters 1-5 and recognising numbers in “dots” – like dominoes, up to 10.  This could be a fun game to play at home or make your own poster.

My email address, for any communication, is k.hinton@mgfl.net