P7 Homework – Week Beg: Monday 31st August

Hi P7,

Homework: Set on Monday to be returned by Friday.

This week for homework there will be a maths task, spellings and reading, which will be set on Monday morning during our reading groups.

Learning Intention: We are learning to multiply by multiples of 10, 100 & 1000.

This should be revision and consolidation of classwork last week.

Please see the attachments on Google Classroom for homework.

I have attached the link to Google Classroom below.

Simply copy and paste into your browser.



I am aware of a few pupils who are having issues with accessing Google Classroom. I have sent their new passwords home with them last Friday. If there are any more problems gaining access to the homework, let me know and I will resolve these issues for them.

Thanks for your support,

C. Nelson

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