P7 News 18th August 2021

Welcome back P7!

I hope you all had a super summer break and are looking forward to returning to school. This post is just a brief update about what to expect this week.

⏰Please arrive on time for 08:50 and make your way to the P7 external door.

📴All mobiles should be switched off and handed in at the start of the day.

🎽PE – PE will return to two separate slots this term but for this week only, P7 have PE on Wednesday (18th Aug) and so should come dressed for PE ( no changing at school allowed yet)

🍱Packed Lunch – Pupils should bring a snack, water bottle and a packed lunch. The dining hall is not open to serve food yet and pupils will still eat in classrooms for the time being. The break times have changed slightly and children will have more freedom in the playground 😊

That’s all for now. Please check this webpage each Monday for news about the week ahead, including information about homework issued. No homework this week.

Thank you,

Miss S Brunt


P6 Info W/b 21st June 2021

Hi all,

The final week of P6 is upon us. It seems no time at all since the start last August!

What’s on this week?


There is no homework this week.


PE  – Tuesday

School finish – Friday 25th @12:25pm


Kids Teach – Wow – what amazing lessons we were treated to last week! A range of topics covered too; types of car engines, budgeting and finance, judo, paper sculpting and games/races in PE! Every single ‘teacher’ presented their topic content and follow up activities with developing confidence and ease. I  am so proud of you all!

This week’s lessons to look forward to include graffiti art, farming, origami, obstacle races and ancient Gods!

Carrier bag – It would be helpful if pupils bring in a carrier bag to take old   school work home (although some jotters might be kept for P7).

Google Slideshow – I hope to put some recent photos of P6 into Glow so you can see what we’ve been doing lately. I’ll let the children know when this is available.


I want to say a big thank you to my class for being so resilient throughout a very difficult year. Their ability to cope with all the changes and restrictions has been remarkable. They are a fantastic bunch and I look forward to taking them on into P7 and although it’s too early to say yet, hopefully things at school will be back to normal a bit more next session. Fingers crossed!

Have a safe and relaxing summer,

Miss Brunt






P6 Info w/b 14th June 2021

Hi all,

The final two weeks of term are upon us but there’s  still so much to do!

Parents Consultations – You should have received an 10 minute appointment time for Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.

BRAKE Walk – BRAKE is a road safety charity and on Wednesday 16th , each class will walk approximately half a mile to promote road safety awareness. The route will take us out of the school premises.

Sports Day – Well done P6 Dryden for winning this year’s P6 sports. Photos of the day can be found on the Loanhead PS Twitter feed.

Poetry Competition – Class winners and overall winners of this year’s poetry competition will be announced at Friday’s assembly.

‘Kids Teach’ – Children have been excitedly planning  lessons to teach to their peers over the final two weeks. We have been able to use Chromebooks to plan this too, which the pupils have loved.

Picnic Lunch– I haven’t chosen a specific day for our picnic lunch -we’ll be spontaneous on the day depending on weather and staff.

Euro 2021 – Children will be split into small teams, given a country to represent and then play in a fun football tournament this week.

PE – Tuesday

That’s all for now,

Miss S Brunt

Spelling Homework week beginning 7/6/21

There will be no spelling homework this week as P3 will be completing a spelling test in class on Friday. Instead I am asking you to revise all previous sounds that have been covered. Prior homework  assignments should still be available to view if you are looking to see what sounds this might include.

Please assure your little ones that this head is no big deal! They get a little anxious when the term assessment or test is mentioned. It is simply in place to inform the p4 teachers of strengths and supports needed for spelling in p4.
Miss Ramsay

P6 Info W/B 7th June

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

What’s on this week?

PE  – Tuesday – P6 Sports afternoon! Unfortunately, due to Covid restrictions, we cannot have any spectators.


  • Spelling – as normal
  • Numeracy – A maths sheet will be sent home on Wednesday.


Order your P7 hoodies now! – Open up the school website, click on the uniform link and details should appear so you can order P7 hoodies from ImageScotland. However, you may want to wait until near the end of the summer holidays to order to allow for growth spurts! Also, hoodies should only be ordered in time for term times; the school office is closed over the summer break and so, is unable to accept deliveries during the holiday.

Class Novel StudyThe Wreck of the Zanzibar by Michael Morpurgo – developing higher order reading skills such as making inferences and discussing writer’s craft.

Picnic Lunch– If the weather stays nice,  I might take the class for a picnic one day ( just outside of the school boundary, where lots of outdoor learning already takes place, up on Ramsay Bing) Children all bring a packed lunch each day anyway and so it might be a last minute decision, depending on weather and staff available. It would be lovely to do something a bit different and we can play games too. The local outings letter signed at the start of the year should suffice as permission for this outing.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






P6 Info W/B 31st May 2021

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend, making the most of the sunshine.

What’s on this week?

PE  – Tuesday


  • Spelling – as normal
  • Numeracy – A maths sheet on data handling will be sent home on Wednesday.


Parents Consultations Return Slips – Can you please hand in your return slip ASAP. Please note, the Wednesday option is now full. Appointment letters will go out this week.

Computer suite – It is the turn of P6 to have access to the computer suite this week, which is great for us to be able to access IT to support learning.

Class Novel StudyThe Wreck of the Zanzibar by Michael Morpurgo – developing higher order reading skills such as making inferences and discussing writer’s craft.

Debates – Last week we started our first round of debates. Teams successfully debated that a Jaffa cake is indeed a cake, paper straws are better than plastic straws but the teams drew level  on the pronunciation of ‘Primark’!

This week, the debates continue with new teams and new topics.

Fidget Toys

Children have been reminded not to bring in any toys from home. Thanks for your co-operation.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






P6 Week Beginning Tuesday 25th May 2021

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Monday  24th May– School Holiday

PE  – ***THURSDAY***  For one week only, PE will be on Thursday this week. Children should come to school dressed for PE outdoors please.


  • Spelling – as normal
  • Numeracy – A numeracy sheet will be sent home on Wednesday.


Last week, P6 participated in a whole school Tokyo Olympic themed ‘National Numeracy/Maths Day’. There were 5 tasks to complete – money, measure, data handling, time and shape. This included managing a budget, measuring bean bag throws and working out the class average distance, converting UK time to Japanese time, and recreating the Japanese flag to specific measurements.

The children worked really hard and they gave lots of positive feedback  about these activities.

***Thanks to CL, OT and CG for sharing their learning at Friday’s Zoom assembly!***

Sticking with the Japanese theme, we also learned how to write short poems known as haikus and tankas. Finally, we learned how to drawn cartoons in an ‘anime’ style.

Fidget Toys

Children have been reminded not to bring in any toys from home. Thanks for your co-operation.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






P7 Homework Assignment – Personal Profiles

Dear Parents and P7 pupils,

As part of transition from P7 to High school, the teachers at your new school are excited to find out more about you!

One way of sharing this information is to complete a personal profile about your personality, your favourite subjects and hobbies / interests.

I have attached on Google Classroom, the two templates for you to use.
One is for Lasswade High School and one is for Beeslack.
– Please select the template to complete for the secondary school you will be attending.

I have also attached two past examples of completed profiles to give you an idea of what you are expected to write. The profiles can vary, so do not feel that you have to fill all the space in the boxes.
I highly recommend you try completing this with a family member at home. Even if it is only to check your spelling and grammar.

Once you save and turn in your completed profile, these can be checked over once more by me, printed and passed onto your new school. (If you find it easier, please feel free to email your profile directly to me. Please see my email below.)

These profiles are collected by your new school, so the sooner we complete them and have them double checked, the better. I would greatly appreciate if these can be finished by Friday 21st May so that I can check them over.

Any pupil not attending either of these schools next year, please do not worry, you can simply edit the document for the school you are attending.

Thanks for your support,

Mr Nelson