P6 Week Beginning Tuesday 25th May 2021

Hi all,

I hope everyone had a lovely weekend.

Monday  24th May– School Holiday

PE  – ***THURSDAY***  For one week only, PE will be on Thursday this week. Children should come to school dressed for PE outdoors please.


  • Spelling – as normal
  • Numeracy – A numeracy sheet will be sent home on Wednesday.


Last week, P6 participated in a whole school Tokyo Olympic themed ‘National Numeracy/Maths Day’. There were 5 tasks to complete – money, measure, data handling, time and shape. This included managing a budget, measuring bean bag throws and working out the class average distance, converting UK time to Japanese time, and recreating the Japanese flag to specific measurements.

The children worked really hard and they gave lots of positive feedback  about these activities.

***Thanks to CL, OT and CG for sharing their learning at Friday’s Zoom assembly!***

Sticking with the Japanese theme, we also learned how to write short poems known as haikus and tankas. Finally, we learned how to drawn cartoons in an ‘anime’ style.

Fidget Toys

Children have been reminded not to bring in any toys from home. Thanks for your co-operation.

That’s all for now,

Miss Brunt






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