P3 Homework (18.01.16)


  1. Please write spelling words out three times in columns using look, say, cover, write, check.
  2. We have been learning how to use a dictionary. Look up each of your spelling words in the dictionary and write the word that comes after it.

For example soon-soot

Spelling 18


shape worksheet

If anybody would like to bring in some real items for our shape table it would be much appreciated. The shapes would be the same as the ones on the maths sheet.

All due for Friday!


Homework P4 20/01/16


Please continue with your learnits at home.

This term we are focusing on the 4 x table, if you could practise this new table as well as the 3x table that would be much appreciated. Remember that the children should know the answers as fast as the learn-its.

If there are any children who need their learnits updated please let me know.


See jotters.

Wordlists: write cover copy check and a spell well activities task.


Red Group- Jungle Shorts- Chapter 2 for Thursday and Question 1.

Pink- See bookmark

Blue and Yellow (12/1/17 and 19/1/17)- Poem by J.K Annad- Read and learn.

Orange Group – The Boss Dog- Chapter 3 and Comprehension Sheet Q7&8

Green Group- Blue Shoes Ch 3

Purple Group- The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me- Pages 20-27 in Reading jotter summarise the story so far. Then illustrate your favourite part so far. Remember a summary is short (50 words) and should be clear to those who haven’t read the story.

Growth Mindsets/ The Brain

Have a think about something that you used to find very difficult and can do better now. Or think about something that you could never ever do but now can. Be ready to talk about it on Monday.

If you can’t think of anything, ask an older person if they have an example that you can share.


We have started our new Vikings topic and need any card or plastic pizza bases, margarine tubs and petit filous yogurt pots that you can spare!

If the children have any books or resources for an information table they want to bring in that would also be very useful. Thank you to Amber who has already helped with this.

Mandarin Song

We are learning a new Mandarin Song, if anyone wishes to practise,   visit



Mo li hua        Jasmine Flower

hǎo yī duǒ mĕi lì de mò li huā
hǎo yī duǒ mĕi lì de mò li huā
fēn fāng měi lì mǎn zhī yā
yòu xiāng yòu bái rén rén kuā
ràng wǒ lái jiāng nǐ zhāi xià
sòng gěi bié rén jiā
mò li huā ya mò li huā


MO LI HUA (Translation)

What a jasmine flower!
When jasmine blooms.
Not even snow is whiter.
I want to pluck one and wear it
But I’m afraid those around me would mock me.

What a jasmine flower!





P2 Homework W/B 18.1.16


This week, we will do a mini-topic about Tim Peake on the ISS and his historic spacewalk. Can you hand in any small junk ( boxes, tubes etc) so that we can build our own mini space station? Preferably Monday/Tuesday for this please.


Reading homework: Everyone will get a reading comprehension task related to Tim’s spacewalk, with questions to answer. Check green homework bags.

For extra reading practice, check out Newsround on the CBBC website for updates on Tim’s progress. I am also hoping to link in to his Twitter feed in class.

Spelling: The focus sound this week is ea. A cursive handwriting sheet with ea words on will be sent home.

Maths: We are doing some information handling this week so I have set another challenge on Sumdog, this time to do with graphs. Starts Monday morning. Only 25 questions to answer this time.

Events this week:

Thursday and Friday PE

Thanks for your support,

Miss Brunt


P6 Skiing

Yesterday was our first ski session and everyone seemed very happy to get straight back to whizzing down the hill!















Drumming workshop

P6 are lucky enough to have the opportunity to take part in a drumming workshop which takes place on alternate Tuesdays.

Here are a few photos from our first session.









P6 Reading Homework

All children in primary 6 are expected to read 20 minutes each night!

Reading homework will be issued each Thursday for the following Thursday. It will usually be a task about home reading books or a comprehension task following on from reading skills being focused on in class.

Homework due 21/01/16

Find five interesting words in your home reading book. Write down the meaning of each word then use each one in a sentence of your own.

Miss Prior 🙂

P1 Homework- 11.1.16

This week at school is finance week. Children will be learning the importance of money and why it is used. We will be exploring different coins and their values.

We will also start work this week on our new topic which is …

The Circus! 


Circus tent

If your child has any pictures or stories about the circus please feel free to bring them in.



Writing homework will be collected.

Reading homework will be issued- please check your child’s reading marker for information. New key words will be added to your child’s key chain please practise these words at home.


Children will visit the school library today where they will be given the opportunity to borrow a book to take home. They can borrow this book for up to three weeks. Children can return this book early if they have finished with it but it must be returned no later than 2nd February.

P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Writing homework- New word sheets will be added to your child’s writing homework jotter these will be collected on Monday.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Thank you

Miss Conway