P1 Homework- 11.1.16

This week at school is finance week. Children will be learning the importance of money and why it is used. We will be exploring different coins and their values.

We will also start work this week on our new topic which is …

The Circus! 


Circus tent

If your child has any pictures or stories about the circus please feel free to bring them in.



Writing homework will be collected.

Reading homework will be issued- please check your child’s reading marker for information. New key words will be added to your child’s key chain please practise these words at home.


Children will visit the school library today where they will be given the opportunity to borrow a book to take home. They can borrow this book for up to three weeks. Children can return this book early if they have finished with it but it must be returned no later than 2nd February.

P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Writing homework- New word sheets will be added to your child’s writing homework jotter these will be collected on Monday.



P.E. day- please ensure your child has their P.E. kit with them.


Thank you

Miss Conway


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