P2 Homework W/B 5.12.16

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 15 ‘magic e’  i-e

Reading – check markers for updates- will catch up on groups this week!

Events this week:

Wednesday – Hopscotch Theatre to visit school to perform a pantomime.

Friday – Nativity Dress Rehearsal in front of school.

– Return library books please


FYI…Talent Show – organised by the House Captains- Best two acts from each class go through to the final on Thursday 22nd December. If your child wants to enter, he/she should start practising now! Bring in own music if required. Audition date ( held in class) to be confirmed.


Miss Brunt


Home learning due 16.12.16

Sorry I forgot to collect in the homework on Friday. My mind was preoccupied with the Christmas Fair. I will take the jotters in on Monday. Homework will be a little different this week. Children will be given a Christmas activity booklet to work through. There will be various literacy,maths and design activities. Please work through this in any order. There will be no homework issued on the final week.

We will be doing various reading activities in class over the next three weeks looking at skills for reading and reading comprehension. However, with all the festive goings on I will not be sending home reading books with set homework. Please ensure your children are reading each night a book of their choice.

Dates to remember:

Wed 7th-Panto in the afternoon

Thursday 8th-Drumming workshop and class talent show heats.

Wednesday 14th-Christmas Luch


P4 Newsletter- Christmas Fair and Matilda the Movie (date change 8th December) .

Christmas Fair

Please remember that it is the Christmas Fair on Friday.

There will be no swimming on Friday 2nd of December to give us time to organise our stall.

Primary 4 are selling calendars and we look forward to seeing you there at the fair to buy them.

If anyone has any donations for the tombola, raffle, chocolate tombola or anything else we’d be happy to receive them!

Children can be collected at class at 12:00, however, the others must stay with me to help on the stall until 12:25 unless they are collected. If you wish your child to be collected my another parent can you send me a note to that effect in advance.

Don’t forget your pennies- Mrs Cooney needs a new headphone story centre for the classroom! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Swimming will resume as normal for the two weeks after this on the  9th and 16th of December.


Thursday 8th December- Matilda Movie Afternoon

We have been studying the novel Matilda in class and we are planning to watch the movie on Thursday 8th in the afternoon. We will be looking at the similarities and differences of plot and characterisation. I have said that the children can bring in a snack, savoury, sweet or fruit to share with the class, if you allow. This is instead of doing a similar thing in the last week, though we may still watch a movie, there will be no snacks.

Please remember! No fizzy juice and that we are a NUT FREE school- please ensure that all snacks are nut free. Malteasers and Haribo are always safe if you are in doubt!



Mrs Cooney






P4 Homework 29/11/16

Phew! We found the spelling jotters, admittedly in a strange place, but we did find them!


Spelling– Week 2) u-e and y (i)

Gorillas (y) sound like in day or pay

See jotters for instructions.

Pandas (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Children should read a book, newspaper or magazine and spend about 20 mins looking for as many words as they can with the spelling pattern above. A minimum of 5 words should be found. Write them in your jotters.

Wolves (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Children should read a book, newspaper or magazine and spend about 20 mins looking for as many words as they can with the spelling pattern above. A minimum of 5 words should be found. Write them in your jotters.

No spell well activity or sentences required this week .


Pink –  Pocket Money – See bookmark

Orange –  The Red Planet- See bookmark

Yellow- The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl- P1-18 – no written task.

Blue – Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo p 7-11 or 9-13 ( the children know which is which) no written task

Green – Here Comes Trouble- p22-28 for Wednesday 30th and p28-36 for Thursday 1st

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits and I have begun a challenge this week on Sumdog. The children are very keen to participate in this but please remind them that it is for fun and not to feel bad if they aren’t able to spend as much time as others on the computer.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

P5 Homework for week starting 28/11/16

Spelling Homework

Task 1: Write words out 3 times in neat columns using Look, Say, Cover, Write and Check.


Task 2: This week we will be learning how to use a dictionary. This week’s homework task is to give you extra practice. You may borrow a school dictionary for this activity if you need to.

Using a dictionary, find each of your spelling words, then write the word, then the word that comes immediately after it in the dictionary.

Numeracy Homework

Addition worksheet to complete.


P6 Homework 28.11.16

Monday 28th November

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

Complete 1 activity in jotter.

Complete sheet Blue – sheet 7

Red – sheet 9b and 9d


For Monday 5th December

P2 Homework W/B 28.11.16

Homework this week:

SpellingNew sheet. Ignore the first list. Go onto List 14 a-e. We call this ‘Magic e’. The ‘e’ at the end of the word turns the short vowel sound into a long vowel sound.

Reading – please send in book bags daily. Time for reading this week will be a bit more limited as we have full nativity rehearsals and the school fair to prepare for. However, please continue to check the post-it markers for updates.

Topic – We have started a topic on electricity. Last week, we talked about power/energy and looked around for items that were powered by electricity. This week , we’ll find out more about being safe around electricity.

Events this week –

PE – please have kits in daily as normal hall timetables are suspended just now. We will have PE this week at some point and also Scottish Country Dancing practice. Last week, P1 and P2 joined together to be introduced to country dancing with a visiting teaching student who happened to be a pipe player!

Friday – School Christmas Fair– from 12 noon onwards – info to follow about pick up arrangements for your child. If any parents can help at our toy stall, please let me know ASAP.

Friday -SSPCA  visit to address the school at assembly.

Friday – Library


Miss Brunt