Home learning due 16.12.16

Sorry I forgot to collect in the homework on Friday. My mind was preoccupied with the Christmas Fair. I will take the jotters in on Monday. Homework will be a little different this week. Children will be given a Christmas activity booklet to work through. There will be various literacy,maths and design activities. Please work through this in any order. There will be no homework issued on the final week.

We will be doing various reading activities in class over the next three weeks looking at skills for reading and reading comprehension. However, with all the festive goings on I will not be sending home reading books with set homework. Please ensure your children are reading each night a book of their choice.

Dates to remember:

Wed 7th-Panto in the afternoon

Thursday 8th-Drumming workshop and class talent show heats.

Wednesday 14th-Christmas Luch


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