P4 Homework 29/11/16

Phew! We found the spelling jotters, admittedly in a strange place, but we did find them!


Spelling– Week 2) u-e and y (i)

Gorillas (y) sound like in day or pay

See jotters for instructions.

Pandas (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Children should read a book, newspaper or magazine and spend about 20 mins looking for as many words as they can with the spelling pattern above. A minimum of 5 words should be found. Write them in your jotters.

Wolves (u-e) sound

(magic e makes the vowel sound like it’s name e.g blu  blue   tub   tube)

Word Detective and Skimming and Scanning

Children should read a book, newspaper or magazine and spend about 20 mins looking for as many words as they can with the spelling pattern above. A minimum of 5 words should be found. Write them in your jotters.

No spell well activity or sentences required this week .


Pink –  Pocket Money – See bookmark

Orange –  The Red Planet- See bookmark

Yellow- The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me by Roald Dahl- P1-18 – no written task.

Blue – Meeting Cezanne by Michael Morpugo p 7-11 or 9-13 ( the children know which is which) no written task

Green – Here Comes Trouble- p22-28 for Wednesday 30th and p28-36 for Thursday 1st

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits and I have begun a challenge this week on Sumdog. The children are very keen to participate in this but please remind them that it is for fun and not to feel bad if they aren’t able to spend as much time as others on the computer.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.

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