This Week’s Homework (due Friday 29th November)

Hello everyone,

With December fast approaching, could I please ask that all Dunedin Consort forms are returned to the school as soon as possible, even if your choice is for your child not to attend. The team behind it have been working incredibly hard and have entertained us with their fantastic ability so far!

This week’s spelling pattern is ch (‘k’ sound). The words are as follows:

  1. buzz
  2. fizz
  3. echo
  4. choir
  5. chemist
  6. stomach
  7. Christmas
  8. character
  9. November
  10. December

Your child should have their new reading book home with them today. Could they please read half their book for Wednesday and finish them so they can be returned Friday.

Thanks a lot!

Mr McGaff

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 22nd November)

Good morning,

Primary 3’s spelling pattern this week is the ‘air‘ sound. The words are as follows:

  1. cliff
  2. off
  3. air
  4. hair
  5. pair
  6. stair
  7. chair
  8. hairbrush
  9. September
  10. October

For reading homework, could you please read half of your child’s book for Wednesday, and finish off the book for Friday. Could I also ask that you make sure your child’s reading record and spelling jotter are in school on Friday as I try to get all homework prepared over the weekend for Monday morning.

Some children have been sharing fantastic examples of fractions they have explored with their families at home, so keep it up!

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff 🙂

Christmas Fair Friday 29th November HELP NEEDED

Christmas Fair Friday 29th November 12.30pm – 2pm

This is our main school fundraiser and your support is greatly appreciated.

Donations Appeal – We are looking for toys in good condition, unwanted gifts, bottles for the bottle tombola and chocolate for the chocolate tombola. On the day and days leading up to this we will also be collecting your delicious home baking!

School catchment review

Dear parents and carers,

Two S1 pupils from Beeslack and Penicuik High, Hannah and Emily, visited Newbattle Community High School recently to speak to S6 pupils, Craig and Erin, about the world-class learning environment and its Digital Centre of Excellence. It has been captured  on film to give you more information about plans for education in the Penicuik and surrounding areas. Proposals include a replacement for Beeslack built along the A701 corridor with a Centre of Excellence in STEM subjects and a potential refurbishment of Penicuik High.

•         Watch the video<>

Please remember to come to one of two drop-in sessions about the plans. These are on:

•         Tuesday 12 November:  1pm – 7pm at Penicuik Library in the Penicuik Centre.

•         Thursday 14 November: 1pm – 7pm Loanhead Library in the Loanhead Centre

For more information email:


This week’s homework (due Friday 15th November)

Hello everyone!

This week’s homework will be the same as usual, however from now on I will be posting the spelling lists here just in case they don’t make it home in one piece:


  1. thin
  2. thick
  3. touch
  4. young
  5. double
  6. trouble
  7. country
  8. nourish
  9. July
  10. August

Reading homework should be in your child’s reading record, and this is just half their book for Wednesday and full book for Friday.

We have started fractions work in class, and if you wish to practice the concept of fractions with your child feel free to point out real life examples of fractions to them as this will help them make connections in class.

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 8th November)

Hello everyone,

This week’s homework is business as usual – first half of reading book for Wednesday and second half for Friday, and spelling homework due in on Friday too.

From now until further notice, PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays so please ensure that your child has their kit in school for those days.

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 1st November)

Hello everyone,

This week’s homework is back to normal with the full week of school. If your child could read half of their reading book by Wednesday and the second half by Friday, that would enable us to have a much enhanced discussion in class! Spelling/Read-Write-Inc. homework is due Friday. Feel free to approach this task in any way that you think would benefit your child (some great examples I have seen include rainbow writing, funny sentences and monster writing).

Best wishes,

Mr McGaff (

People Who Help Us Topic – p1 need your help

Primary One have started their second topic of the year. We are going to be learning about all of the people in our community who help keep us healthy and safe. We would absolutely love if any parents or family members who work in any of these roles could come in and talk to us about your job and the role you play in our lives.

We already have a visit from the local community police officers booked in for the 31st of October. If you or any of your family work as part of the emergency services, part of a dental practice or veterinary practice or any other role relevant to our topic we would love you to join us at a time suitable for you.

If you are interested could you send me an email at and we can arrange a time to pop in.

Thanks in advance,

Miss Ramsay