Digital learning update

This week most pupils should bring home their digital learning passwords for Sumdog, Glow and Education City.

In class, pupils will practise logging into these and using them to enhance learning.

Google classroom is an app within Glow Scotland where each class has a ‘google classroom’.  It works best on Google chrome and is accessible on most devices.

There are also tiles on the Glow home page for typing, maths, literacy games and activities too.

Pupils are asked to have a play about with these at home but also have passwords in school bags every day. This will be a learning curve for many and we appreciate your support, patience and cooperation at this time.


Mrs Hinton


This week’s homework (due Friday 20th March)

Hello everyone, I hope you are all staying well and healthy!

This week’s homework is business as usual. I am now trying your children on non-fiction books at their exact reading level, which may be more challenging than last week’s reading. I would encourage you to discuss the topic of the book with your child and quiz them on any information within the book!

This week’s spelling pattern is <ey>. The words are as follows:

  1. film
  2. kept
  3. key
  4. honey
  5. money
  6. donkey
  7. chimney
  8. journey
  9. thousand
  10. million

Finally, for maths we will be wrapping up time and starting work on ‘chance and uncertainty’. This week’s focus will be discussing the likelihood of events occurring and using the correct language. For example:

‘Rolling a number between 1 and 6 on a dice is certain.

‘Rolling a number higher than 6 is impossible.’

‘The sun coming out today is likely.’

‘A penguin appearing in the playground is very unlikely.’

As soon as your child is familiar with the language we use when discussing chance we can move onto more advanced topics.

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

This week’s homework (due Friday 13th March)

Hello everyone,

For reading this week, Primary 3 will be doing non-fiction books. Your child will have a book that is one level below the stage that they read fiction books at; do not be alarmed as non-fiction books tend to be a level harder than their fiction counterparts! If possible, can you discuss your child’s book with them, try and prompt questions about the contents and point of the features of non-fiction books please.

This week’s spelling pattern is the /or/ pattern. The list for this pattern is as follows:

  1. twig
  2. from
  3. pork
  4. walk
  5. jaw
  6. north
  7. straw
  8. saucepan
  9. ninety
  10. hundred

Finally, for maths this week we are drawing closer to finishing our mini-topic on time. Units of time is our focus for the week, so if possible, try and discuss time equivalencies with your child (eg. 60 seconds is 1 minute, 365 days is 1 year).


Mr McGaff

This week’s homework (due Friday 6th March)

Hello everyone, I cannot believe March is upon us already!

This week’s homework is business as usual. Could your child please read half their book for Wednesday, then the whole book for Friday. Next week I am planning on sending non-fiction home for homework, so I am using this week as a chance to gauge what books would be appropriate. The spelling pattern is /ou/, which is as follows:

  1. snap
  2. swam
  3. loud
  4. cloud
  5. found
  6. now
  7. crowd
  8. sunflower
  9. seventy
  10. eighty

In class we are focusing on the difference between ‘ow’ and ‘ou’, which both make the same sound in this pattern. Finally, in Maths we are looking at calendars/dates, so if possible, can you try and have a look at any calendars around the home so that they are familiar with the format? We will be going over it all in class, but this extra activity would give your child the chance to make connections with dates in their own lives!

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

This week’s homework (due Friday 28th February)

Good morning,

P3’s homework this week is business as usual (spelling due Friday, half book for Wednesday, whole book for Friday). The spelling pattern we are practising is /oi/, which is as follows:

  1. drag
  2. trip
  3. join
  4. spoil
  5. point
  6. joy
  7. royal
  8. ointment
  9. fifty
  10. sixty

For maths this week, we will be continuing our time topic by looking at the 24 hour clock. If possible, try and remind your child of any 24 hour clocks around their home (phone clocks, alarm clocks, digital watches ect.) and see if they can tell you what time they are showing!

Thanks a lot,

Mr McGaff

This week’s homework (due Friday 21st Feb)

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a restful February break!

This week, Primary 3 will be looking more at the analog clock. I would recommend looking at o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to with your child so the ideas are fresh in their mind. We will be looking at these further in class, and then moving onto more specific times and digital as the weeks go on.

This week’s spelling pattern is /er/. There are three different spellings for this sound (er, ir, ur) and we will be practising remembering which spelling goes with which word in class. The spelling list is as follows:

  1. drip
  2. plug
  3. third
  4. winter
  5. bird
  6. over
  7. hurt
  8. butterfly
  9. thirty
  10. forty

Reading homework is the same as usual this week (half the book for Wednesday, whole book for Friday). If you have any questions about homework or what we’re doing in class, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Mr McGaff

This Week’s Homework (Due Friday 7th February) + ASSEMBLY INFO

Hello everyone,

A massive well done to Primary 3 on their incredible work last week. They set a great example and showed themselves in the best light with their manners, determination and energy!

This week’s homework is whole reading book for Friday (half for Wednesday) and the spelling pattern /k/ which is as follows:

  1. hook
  2. fork
  3. back
  4. brick
  5. deck
  6. flock
  7. struck
  8. rucksack
  9. nineteen
  10. twenty

Today, we allocated roles for Friday’s Scottish Inventors assembly (if your child will not be in on Friday can you please let me know ASAP so we can reorganise roles) and your child should have an annotated script home with them. I am on the hunt for the following objects/costumes if anyone happens to know someone who might be willing to lend Primary 3 them for their assembly:

  • Cardboard (as much as possible for props)
  • Bear costume
  • Horse costume
  • Cow costume
  • 6 lab coats (child size)
  • An old TV

If your child’s role one of the animals or a scientist, can you and try and search out any ‘Scottish’ outfits they could wear on the day? We should be able to find some costumes to use in school, but probably not enough to go round.

Thanks a lot!

Mr McGaff

This week’s homework (due Friday 31st January)

Good morning everyone (I am making this week’s homework announcement early today while I still remember to do it!).

This week’s homework is the spelling pattern /ue/ and reading as per usual. The /ue/ pattern words are as follows:

  1. sunk
  2. book
  3. huge
  4. fuse
  5. rescue
  6. queue
  7. ewe
  8. useful
  9. seventeen
  10. eighteen

One skill I would recommend practising with your child for reading is making conclusions about their book. This could include judgments on certain characters after finishing the book or discussing summaries of the book’s main plot points.

Thank you!

Mr McGaff