P3 had some special visitors!

Last Monday P3 had some special visitors!

As part of the Human Body topic we have been looking at senses, one of which is sight. We have been thinking about what it would be like to not have our sight.

Pat, Dennis and their guide dog Todd came to visit us. They told us all about what it is like to be blind and how they live a very normal life with the help of Todd and some other nifty technology.

We also looked at some braille and we also learnt that you should only clap a guide dog if you ask the owner and it has it’s harness off.

Thank you Pat, Dennis and Todd!

Primary 3 Homework (Week beginning 08.02.16)

Spelling Homework for Friday

  1. Write words out 3 times each in columns using look, say ,cover, write and check.

spelling 8th Feb

There is no other additional spelling task. However, it would be great if pupils could start thinking about ‘truly terrific’. Children should know about this but more details will follow shortly.

Maths Worksheets for Friday

Children should all have received their individual sumdog password home. If you could keep this safe that would be great. Over the next week and during the February break it would be good for children to explore sumdog, getting used to how to use it. As well as being fun Sumdog should enhance maths skills!


Reading homework will be on reading records. Please sign to say children have read. Children should be reading 20 minutes every night. This should be their reading homework plus other reading for enjoyment.

Reading homework in P3 will now be only verbal, no written tasks. Children who have key words should be practising at home regularly.



Primary 3 Homework Week beginning 25/01/16

Spelling Homework for Friday

Write your spelling words in 3 columns, using look, say, cover, write, check.

Spelling Words for week beginning 25th January

Scottish Week Homework for Thursday

All the children were given 4 Scottish poems to bring home on Friday.  They were asked to pick one and learn it so they can recite it on Thursday.


There will be no written activities to go with reading this week, just the reading please!

P3 Homework (18.01.16)


  1. Please write spelling words out three times in columns using look, say, cover, write, check.
  2. We have been learning how to use a dictionary. Look up each of your spelling words in the dictionary and write the word that comes after it.

For example soon-soot

Spelling 18


shape worksheet

If anybody would like to bring in some real items for our shape table it would be much appreciated. The shapes would be the same as the ones on the maths sheet.

All due for Friday!


P3 Homework Week starting 11/01/16

Homework jotters will come home on Tuesday this week. Several children said the had left their jotters at home today.  Please could you remind them to bring them in, so we can include their homework.


1.Write words out 3 times using look ,say, cover, write, check. (Friday)

2. Spelling Activity card in homework jotter to complete.(Friday)

Spelling Words for Week starting 11


1.Coins Worksheet(Friday)

Topic Research(Mon 18/01/16)

Find out who Louis Braille was and write a few sentences about him.