At Loanhead Nursery we provide outdoor learning experiences all year round, using our nursery garden, going to the woods taking part in forest school activities. In the Summer months we all want to enjoy the sunshine but we must do this safely.
We ask that all parents/carers apply sunscreen to their child/ children before attending nursery, NHS recommend children use a sun protection factor 30+.
We ask that you provide an unopened bottle of sunscreen that we can keep in the nursery and will support your child to apply throughout the day.
We will have a “nursery” sunscreen (care inspectorate recommended) to use on odd occasions however we need your permission before letting your child apply this.
Finally, we ask that you provide your child with a labelled sun hat. We will encourage them to wear their hats when they are playing outdoors.
Please also see our recently revised sun protection guidlines.
Thank you for your support! The Loanhead Nursery Team