P4 Homework & Update – March 2021

✨Welcome back to school P4! ✨

We are delighted to back on school grounds and particularly so in this lovely spring weather. Obviously we still have to adhere to safety measure to ensure all children and staff in school are as safe as possible so please follow the FACTS guidance at all times. When we are working indoors,  it is still extremely important that our classrooms are kept well ventilated so the windows will be open throughout the day. Please ensure that your child also brings in a warm jumper/fleece as it can still get chilly and wearing layers is the best way to keep warm.

Unfortunately we are still unable to use the indoor hall spaces so will be as creative with the outdoor and classroom space as much as possible whilst ensuring everyone’s safety.


  • 🔡Spelling: will continue from w/b 22nd March with pupils writing new spelling words in their homework jotter on Tuesday each week. At home they should use:


to write out their new spelling words three times in neat columns. They should also complete an activity card which will earn pupils 2 credit card points. An optional second activity may be completed for extra practice (and 1 credit card point) but is not mandatory. Completed spelling homework should be returned the following Monday to be marked and the next spelling pattern will be given for homework on Tuesday each week.

  • 🔢Numeracy & Maths: please use the enclosed activity sheet to practise work which has been taught in class. Pupils can write straight onto this sheet so no need to copy into their jotters and this can be returned in their folder on Monday of the following week.
  • 📚Reading: all pupils have been allocated a reading book which will go home twice per week to be read with an adult. It is extremely important that this activity is done at home as only through regular reading practice, will children improve this valuable life skill! Please ensure your child’s reading book is returned to school on the date written on the bookmark. It would also be helpful if you could initial this when you have heard your child read.
  • 👟PE/Health & Wellbeing: this will be an outdoor activity where possible and to that end, can children please come dressed for outdoor PE on the allocated day each week (see dates below).  An outdoor kit will consist of trainers, shorts/jogging bottoms/leggings, t-shirt, fleece and outdoor showerproof jacket. We have no changing areas at present so children will wear their kit for the day.
    Date P.E. / Health & Wellbeing Activity Day
    18.03.21 Thursday
    23.03.21 Tuesday
    01.04.21 Thursday
    02.04.21 to 19.04.21 Easter Break
    20.04.21 Tuesday
    29.04.21 Thursday
    11.05.21 Tuesday

Additional Information

🧪Science – P4 will continue to enjoy learning on Friday mornings with Mrs Cummings and their class teacher. These lessons will take place both inside and outside so please ensure pupils are appropriately dressed. Mrs Cummings is looking for some household items so if you are able to donate any of the following this would be much appreciated:

CDs, DVDs, plastic disposable sports bottles with lids, corks, old plastic loyalty cards, small wind-up toys, pringle tubes and lids, plastic ice-cream tubs.

🥐French – Mrs Caldwell will be teaching P4s a French Easter song which highlights some of the traditions celebrated in France.

🧧Mandarin – P4 have been lucky enough to have been chosen to receive a block of x 6, hour long Mandarin lessons every Wednesday from 17th March to 5th May. Ms Ling Sun will provide some introductory lessons over the 6 week period which we are sure the children will enjoy.

📅Diary dates:

Friday 2nd April 2021 – Monday 19th April, Easter Holiday

Tuesday 20th April 2021 – Pupils return 

If you have any queries regarding homework or wish to discuss another aspect of your child’s education please contact Mrs Roy or myself by email:



Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Watts & Mrs Roy

📗World Book Day 2021 – Digital book token 📚

📚  As part of World Book Day, the children always love to be given their book token in school.  This year I have been given a digital book token for parents/carers to save onto their phones and use in participating stores.  The children can get one of the £1 books using this token or they can get money off the other World Book Day books.  This can be used until March 28th.

Enjoy 🙂 and remember to send in your extreme reading photos


Mrs Hinton

P3 Homework w/b 1.3.21

Hello hello P3,

Things to Note this week:

  • This week we will be celebrating world book day (Thursday March 4th). We are lucky enough to have a real children’s author (Michelle Hogg, Poggelty Poo and Flip Flop Flew) reading the children a story virtually and answering their questions about story writing. This will also be posted on Google Classroom should your child wish to watch it at home too. In addition to this we are encouraging children to get involved in the extreme reading challenge. For this we are asking children to take a photo of them in an unusual place or position reading their favourite stories. If you google this you will see lots of fab examples. It would great if you could get involved to help us promote reading. Can any pictures taken be posted on the Google Classroom class stream so everyone can see and so we can use the images to create a lovely library display.
  • Our PE days have changed this term and will now take place on a Monday and a Wednesday. Please ensure your child is dressed suitable and government guidelines state ALL PE must take place outdoors in p3 and as you know right now the weather is quite changeable so if you could keep this in mind on Mondays and Wednesdays .

Since this year has forced us all to become Google Classroom experts we are going to try to use it a bit more in p3, especially for homework

Next week everyone will have their spelling homework as per usual, however it will be on GC  instead of being stuck into jotters as well as a numeracy task. This just means we are being a little more eco friendly and homework instructions are always accessible even if the blue jotter goes missing or if I accidentally miss a jotter in my marking pile! If this isn’t ideal as I know some families are trying to minimise screen time or don’t have access to an online device I will keep paper copies in school that can be requested.

Can blue jotters please be handed in on Friday of this week so I can mark work, see who needs new jotters and get them back out for homework roll out next Tuesday.

In terms of reading, reading books have been handed out to everyone unless your child is working on Read, Write Inc books as we are reassessing to see where they are in their learning post lockdown so we know where to start them now we are back. These children will receive a reading book next week.

Thank You 🙂

Miss Ramsay x

P1 Book Day activities

World Bood Day is Thursday 4th March, but we are not able to dress up or bring in items from home this year.  We have lots of fun activities in class and our home activity is EXTREME READING.

Reading does not have to be done in your bed, or on your sofa or a carpet in school.  I bet you have lots of books at home that you enjoy over and over again.  This challenge is to think of somewhere a bit unusual to read your favourite/or current book.  Ask someone to take your photo in your creative space (s) and send them to me at k.hinton@mgfl.net.  There may even be a small prize….

The extreme reading location can be inside, or outside.  Previous entries have included on a canoe, on top of a fridge, upside down and in an outside den.  This is designed to be a wee bit of fun and hopefully I can create a display of all your wonderful photos in our school library.

Submit photos from 4th – 11th March

Enjoy 🙂

Mrs Hinton

Chinese New Year continued

As Chinese New Year festivities go on for up to 15 days we thought we would share some more activities and ideas you could try at home.

Did you know exploring different traditions helps your child develop acceptance and cultural awareness?
Why not watch this clip to learn more about Chinese New Year? Before watching maybe ask your child what they already know about Chinese New Year? After watching find out what they have learnt about the celebration.


Chinese New Year cuisine is as varied, colourful and as exciting as everything else to do with the celebration.  If we were at nursery, we would take the opportunity for children to try different foods from China and expand their taste buds. There is lots of well-known examples available in the local supermarket that you can try. You could try lots of pick ‘n’ mix bowls with common Chinese food at home. Spring rolls, prawn crackers, rice, noodles, dumplings, sweet and sour chicken or tofu, as well as many other common dishes. Or you could opt for a healthy snack, an orange which symbolise wealth, apples are for peace and tangerines are for good fortune.

Our chart we shared yesterday displayed the Chinese alphabet. We hope you had fun finding letters from your name.

Today we are sharing a chart displaying Chinese numerals. Can you find your age? Or the number written on your front door?

Have fun discovering the Chinese numbers.

Chinese numbers 1-10


Ruby’s Worry

This week our story of the week is “Ruby’s Worry” by  Tom Percival. Please click on the link below to access the story and some great ideas for learning experiences and opportunities for your child to open up about any worries they might have.

Be kind to yourself parents and carers, we know how tough it can be juggling life with young children and not always being able to spend quality time with them in your busy day. When you can, take 5 minutes and listen to a story together.

Ruby’s Worry final PDF (1)

Remember if you complete any of the tasks we would love to see your photos!

Chinese New Year

Good Morning everyone!

I hope you are having a good week! Maybe you made pancakes yesterday?  Some of you might have bought them from a shop!  Don’t worry if you didn’t have pancakes because we will be back in nursery very soon and I think we should have them for snack!

Pancake Tuesday is celebrated every February along with Chinese New Year. 

Chinese New Year was celebrated on the 12th February. For some people, it is a very important festival where families spend time time together. Celebrations can last more than two weeks!

Each year is represented by a different animal- the story of how this begun can be found here:  https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies/watch/chinese-new-year

Why don’t you find out what animal 2021 is represented by and find out what the animal was the year you were born? 

Here is the Chinese alphabet, can you see the start of your name?  Why don’t you try and copy it? Remember to show us because we would love to see it! 

Image result for a to z chinese alphabet


Pancake day

Good Morning ☺️

I hope you are all safe and well.

Today is Pancake Day 🥞

Whos making yummy pancakes today? Either for breakfast or lunch or after dinner? We would love to see your pancakes . I know at nursery when we make pancakes the boys and girls love to see the pancakes flip up in the air. 


Here is a simple recipe to make your own yummy pancakes to try at home.




  • STEP 1                Put 100g plain flour, 2 large eggs, 300ml milk and 1 tbsp sunflower or vegetable oil into a bowl or large jug, then whisk to a smooth batter.
  • STEP 2

    Set your frying pan over a medium heat and carefully wipe it with some oiled kitchen paper.

  • STEP 3 

    When hot, cook your pancakes for 1 min on each side until golden, you can keep them warm in the oven whilst you cook more. 

  • STEP 4            Serve with your favourite topping.
    Do you like jam? Chocolate, strawberries? Syrup? Bananas? Butter?
    Let us know your favourite pancake topping. You can email some photos to your child’s keyworker.

Remember and stay really safe when frying your pancakes, use your good listening to adults and  stay back from the hot cooker and oven. And enjoy 🥞🥞