Primary 4- Scottish Book Trust monthly writing competition

Primary 4 and I are taking part in a monthly writing competition run by the Scottish Book Trust.

The children will get a chance to write a 50 word “story” based on a visual prompt provided by the book trust.

The children should enter the “young writers” category.

I have started a creative writing course and will be taking part in this too. Why don’t you have a go?

This month is:

Write a story that features the roll of a dice. 

There will be an opportunity for the children to brainstorm ideas in class and write some ideas for their story as well as begin to write it.

I would appreciate it if you could help them to apply at home when they bring you their completed piece of writing.

The website is:

and all information can be found there. There are also examples of last months winners.

Every month we will post a few entries on the website so that you can see what the children have been writing.

Primary 6 Homework 27/1/17

Reading – All pupils have reading homework for Wednesday 1/2/17

Maths – All pupils have a maths worksheet for Friday 3/2/17

Well done to all the pupils who learnt a poem by Robert Burns.

Thursday 2/2/17 3.30 – 5.30pm Parent Drop In Session. I look forward to seeing parents on Thursday or I am happy to arrange an appointment at another suitable time. (Mrs. Hunter)

mi:SPACE – An inspiring learning spaces project in P7

Primary 7 are working on a project called mi:SPACE – A project which aims to encourage pupils and educators to “think outside the box” – (e.g. the classroom box!) and try to replace learning spaces that feature a fireplace view, white walls, harsh lighting etc with a modern, zoned learning areas.  This project is for Education Scotland and will be of interest around the world – Midlothian council have funding to allow pupils this opportunity and Loanhead are among 20 other schools in Midlothian taking part.

Since August P7 have researched many aspects of learning environments such as:

  • Optimum colours for learning (wall colours, screen colours and even paper or jotter colours)
  • Sounds that help us to learn best
  • Types of learner that we have in P7
  • Ventilation and temperature control, regulations and effects on learning—Classrooms around the world that work much better and suit a modern curriculum
  • Zones for learning
  • Positions for learning – do we really need boring, hard, plastic chairs and one height tables? We have chosen to have standing areas, seated areas, floor areas…..
  • Shoeless learning – ask us why it works!
  • Visited modern work places and asked advice and ideas from workers about their environments.

We have produced mood boards, videos, poems, raps, pie charts, line graphs, presentations, scale models, a giant floor book, a green screen and so much more and we have not even completed the project.

We had to work within a set budget to plan out a new learning zone – furniture, wall coverings, floor coverings, technology etc and pitch this to Midlothian Council – now we have to sit back and wait for the magic to happen!

We will invite you in to look at our new learning space when it is complete but we want to share some of the work with you below – enjoy!

Watch one f the groups short documentary here

P4 Homework 24.1.17 and tomorrow Mini Ceilidh.

Homework 24/01/17

APOLOGIES The supply teacher sent home the incorrect word lists last week. I failed to realise until Thursday. 

Tomorrow! Wednesday 25th January

We are having a mini ceilidh with P1,2 and 3 tomorrow afternoon, there will be some oatcakes, cheese and shortbread as a snack. Children can wear tartan if they have some.

Spelling– Week 1) ai and igh

Gorillas (igh) sound like in day or pay

Pandas (ai) sound

Wolves (ai) sound

Write a sentence for each word and try to think of at least three more more words that contain this sound. Are there any other words that contain this sound that are spelled without ai or igh?

Reading Homework

The yellow and the blue group will be starting a block of comprehension for homework as of next week.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark

Yellow- No reading (some people have lines for the assembly)

Blue –  No reading ( some people have lines for the assembly)

Green –  See bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.



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Spelling P6 23.1.17

Monday 23rd January 2017

Please READ, COVER, WRITE, CHECK words twice.

Complete an activity in your jotter.

Complete sheet.

For Monday 30th January

P1 Homework week beg. 23/01/17

Poetry Recital and Atrium Celebration: Children will be performing their Scottish rhyme or poem to the class on Monday and two winners will be chosen to perform to the whole school on Wednesday 25th at our Scottish assembly along with children from the other classes.

In the afternoon of the 25th we are having an atrium ‘Scottish Celebration’, the children will be having a wee Ceilidh, singing some Scottish songs and having a wee taste of some Scottish foods. Children are invited to wear some tartan or something Scottish if they have some but this is not essential. Sorry for the short notice!

Phonics: We are learning the last 3 sounds in the Jolly Phonics set this week. They will have the usual homework and a set of sound cards to bring home to make words with.

Scottish Topic: We are investigating the Scottish weather…your child will have a sheet to record the weather over the next two weeks. Our science will be related to this, we will be investigating materials.

Reading: All children will have a new reading book and set of key words to learn.




P3 home learning and news WB 23/01/17




Just a little reminder. We will be reciting our Scottish poems on Monday (23rd). Two children will be chosen to recite their poems to the whole school on Weekday (25th).

Scottish afternoon

On Wednesday afternoon (25th) the lower atrium (P1-4) will be having a Scottish afternoon. We will be celebrating with food, music and dancing. Your child is more that welcome to wear something ‘Scottish’ if they wish.


Sorry I did not collect the homework in on Friday. I will collect it in on Monday and send the new homework grid out on Tuesday. In class, we will be focusing on poetry and also reading comprehension this week. Therefore, for this week’s reading homework I will send a comprehension task instead of reading book. Some children may come home with a book so please check reading folders.

Any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Miss Prior : )

P2 Homework and Events W/B 23.1.17

Events this week:

Poetry Recital and Lower Atrium Scots Afternoon– To celebrate Burns Day on the 25th, all pupils have chosen a Scottish poem to read and recite. Children will be invited to recite/read their chosen poem to the class on Monday (23rd). Two children will then be chosen to recite/read their poem to the whole school on Wednesday morning, along with two children from each class.

In the afternoon of Wednesday (25th) our Lower Atrium (P1-4) will have a Scots afternoon, involving dancing, singing and of course, some snacks!  If your child has anything ‘Scottish’ to wear to this event, they are welcome to wear it. We realise this is short notice so we don’t want anyone going to any trouble to source anything for this – it’s not a prerequisite and we hope the children will simply enjoy the experience of an informal wee ceilidh.

Spelling – There is a new spelling list for the next 6 weeks coming home on Monday (though some children have other specified spelling home). So, it’s List 19 ‘ay’. Children can be reminded that this is a ‘long a’ sound; one of the long vowel sounds alongside ai and a-e. I will also send home a sheet with squared grids on so that children can practise their spelling using Criss Cross or make a Wordsearch for someone at home to solve! Children have tried this in class so should be familiar with this. It’s just another way to try to learn spellings. See examples below using ‘wh’ words.

Reading – will continue as normal.

Maths – Sumdog Challenge‘P2 Days, Months, Clocks’ continues our theme on time. 75 coins to collect – give it a go P2!

TopicElectricity continues. Last week, children were given the challenge of creating simple circuits and had actual ‘lightbulb’ moments!! I’m going to create a separate post about this next week with pictures, to show the process of discovery children experienced when asked to solve problems! Safe to say they loved this!

Miss Brunt