P2 Homework W/B 6.2.17

Spelling – List 21 ‘igh’

Reading Non Fiction Text – On Tuesday, I will be sending home a ’round up’ reading comprehension task related to our topic Electricity – this will make a wee change from ORT books so please just finish any current books at leisure.

Numeracy – counting on 1, 2 and 3 forwards and backwards to practise adding and taking away 1, 2 and 3 from numbers to 20. Please just do this as mental maths eg. 5 + 1 =,       7 + 1 =,         12 + 1 =,  9 – 1 = , 14 – 1 =      20 – 1 =    / 4 + 2 =      8 + 2 =    13 + 2 =       17 + 2 =     15 – 2 =     19 – 2 = /  4 + 3 =            6 + 3 =      12 + 3 =    14 + 3 =    10 – 3 =   12 – 3 =    16 – 3 =   and so on……

  • Children should do this by counting on or back from the start number OR can use a number line up to 20.

Fractions – we are working on halves.

Topic – the final week of our electricity topic will see us testing which materials conduct electricity.

PE – Tuesday and Thursday

Library is on again this Friday for P2.

Show and Tell – is taking a break ( much to P2’s dismay!) – this will resume after the Easter holidays.

Finally – a reminder that the February break starts at the end of this week. Children should be picked up at 12:15pm as usual on Friday 10th and will resume class back on Monday 20th February. Enjoy!


Miss Brunt


P4 Homework 31.01.17

Homework 31/01/17

Spelling– Week 2) worksheets

Gorillas (contractions)

Pandas (contractions)

Wolves (double ending letters)

Children have to complete a worksheet for spelling this week.

Reading Homework

The Yellow and the Blue group- Scarlet number 4 comprehension worksheet- circle the answers.

Pink – See bookmark

Orange – See bookmark


Green –  See bookmark

*NEW*   Numeracy- Keep going with your Learnits. If there are any people who need new learnits can you write a note and let me know.

Learnits- The Rules…

The children are asked the question on the learnits card on several occasions and if they answer correctly,  within about two seconds, they can have a tick. Once they have ten ticks they can throw the learnit away. Once the envelope is empty they can have some new learnits. You can keep the envelope at home until it needs refilled.

Don’t feel you have to do all of them at once. A few at a time is sufficient.


P7 homework and Information 30/1/17

Homework – 

Spelling words – 30 of the most commonly wrongly spelled words – pupils are to challenge themselves to learn these for MONDAY 6th Feb


Maths For Friday – Pupils are asked to learn their 8 times table and related division sums (e.g. 6×6 is 36 so 36 divided by 6 = 6).  These need to be learned with speed and accuracy.  There are fortune tellers which pupils can decorate, build and use to learn.  They have had the 8 times table one handed out in class.

6 Times-Table-Fortune-Teller



In Maths we have been investigating parabolic curves and producing these in a variety of colours and shapes.  Pupils are being asked to research new designs of these and try at least 1 on an A4 piece of paper or other medium (please ask if needed) – see here for a similar lesson  http://mrchads.weebly.com/parabolic-curve.html



Parents Evening: Thursday 2nd February 3.30 – 5.30pm: This is a drop-in event for an informal chat, we are still waiting on mi:SPACE deliveries and hope to invite parents in to share more learning after the Feb holiday so if you are unable to attend on Thursday there will be another opportunity soon.

P1 Homework 30/1/2017

Phonic homework will be sent home on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this is recapping some of the sounds we have done before we move on to new sounds.

Reading: New books and words to go with the books. There will also be the usual sentences and activities.

Science: As we have been investigating materials the children are to find things in the house that are made from either wood, metal, plastic, glass or fabric. They are to draw and label the item and discuss with you why the item is made from that material.

Parents Evening: Thursday 2nd February 3.30 – 5.30pm: This is a drop-in event for an informal chat.

P2 Homework and News W/B 30.1.17

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 20 ‘ea’ as in hear, sea . Well done to those who tried to make a wordsearch or a criss cross ( but please ensure you are using the designated spelling list!)

Reading – Ongoing – though we will have a focus on non-fiction books later in the week.

Maths – Well done to all those who tried Sumdog last week and to those who completed the time challenge. There is now a new challenge called ‘P2 Half and Quarter Challenge‘ for this week – 75 points to collect.

Numeracy – just for fun, try this game on TopMarks maths. It’s free and easy to use. Click on Learning Games , 5-7 years, addition and subtraction then choose the top game ‘Number Fact Families’. The children have played this already and were getting the hang of it. This game tries to improve  understanding of linked facts.



TopicElectricity continues and photos will follow in due course 🙂


Congratulations to these two wee stars for representing P2 in the Scots poetry recital assembly. Girls, you were amazing- showing lots of confidence and being able to recite a poem from memory? Wow! 🙂


P1-4 Ceilidh

Much fun was had at our wee celebration though time went so quickly! P1 and P2 danced the ‘Military Two Step’ and tried a circle dance. All four classes joined together for some snacks and then P1/2 sang some Scottish songs.

Parent Drop-in – pop in this Thursday, anytime  from 3:30 – 5pm to browse your child’s work and see their learning environment.

And finally….there’s now a link to a video of the Nativity on this website- click on Success Gallery on the school’s home page and follow the link from there. Enjoy!!