P3 Homework From 20th March

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 20th March

This week in class we are going to be doing some literacy assessments. These are intended to identify gaps in understanding so that we know what to focus on next term.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



We are looking back at lots of areas of numeracy work, ahead of maths assessments next week. Anything you want to choose from the following list will therefore be helpful reinforcement.

  1. Fractions puzzle

Jane ate half a pizza. Kate ate two quarters of a pizza. Who ate more? (Hint: It may be helpful to draw a picture.)

Sally ate three pieces of pizza that were all the same size. In the end she had eaten the same amount as Jane. What fraction of a pizza must each of Sally’s slices have been?

  1. Time puzzle

Mike went to bed at eight o’clock. Draw what his bedroom clock would have looked like.

Mike has a little brother called Alf. Alf goes to bed two hours before Mike does. Draw the time that would have been showing on the clock at Alf’s bedtime.

I have also put up a new SumDog challenge.



Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.

Instead of simply carrying on up to a certain page for the first part of this week’s reading homework, some of the children are being asked to choose just one page, and practice reading this with expression. Please look out for a comment on reading grids to see if this applies.



More words that people have been finding tricky. Please could we practise them using our usual look, say, cover, write and check method and then write sentences using them?

loud                                         noise

square                                     sphere

pyramid                                   cuboid

            circle                                       triangle

            allowed                                   aloud

P6 Spelling Homework 19.3.18

Monday 19th MArch

Please READ, COVER< WRITE, CHECK words twice in jotter.

Chocolates – complete 2 activities

Lollipops and Gummy Bears – complete 1 activity and the sheet.

For Monday 26th March

P1 Homework 19/03/18

Reading: Please see the red card as usual and continue with words in the word tin.

Phonics: We will be learning ‘sc’, ‘sk’ and ‘sn’ this week.

Spelling: Please see the green jotter for the words for this week. These words are really helpful for their writing and reading.

As we have been learning about ‘Toys’ this term particularly toys from the past. I am asking the children to speak to parents/ Grandparents /Aunties and Uncles etc about the toys and games that they used to play when they were young. I will send home a sheet this week for them to gather some information, they will need some help from you to complete this.

If any of you have any toys that were yours when you were a child if you are happy for us to see them please could you send them in (we will be very careful with them).

The children seem to be really enjoying their gymnastics sessions – I think next week is their last session.

Many thanks

Lisa Cumming


P2 Homework W/B 19.3.18 *Edited*

Hi all,

*I forgot to say, in my original post, that the school photographer will be in on Wednesday to take class photos.

Homework this week:

Spelling – ‘al’. Please complete homework in red jotters unless children do ‘alternative’ work and show me.

Reading – as normal – check post-it notes please. Please ensure your child reads aloud regularly ( if not daily)  to you- it is vital at this stage, it really is!

Maths– I’ve put a ‘Graphs, Charts and Tables’ challenge on Sumdog – 100 points to earn. This involves data handling. Have a go!

Gardening – Children will have their last session on Friday but have had lots of fun with Paulo, building ‘plant towers’ by recycling water bottles. Results and pictures to follow at a later date.

Topic– P2 have LOVED exploring circuits as part of the electricity project, quite literally having ‘lightbulb’ moments! Children have discovered how to make fans and buzzers work and how to make a lightbulb glow brighter. This week, we’ll find out about insulators and conductors.

Two weeks to go until the Easter holiday so I’ll make this week the last one for homework!




P3 Homework from 13th March

Primary 3 Homework – Week from 13th March

After lots of work on polar bears we are moving onto penguins this week. We are also going to learn about the explorers who first travelled to the north and south poles.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



We are still working on halves and quarters. The children are getting used to identifying these fractions of shapes. The game Fraction Flags would be good practice. Please mix up the choice of halves, quarters, three quarters etc.



We are generally struggling more with finding fractions of numbers. To work on this, have a go at home at working out:

½ of 14                                    ½ of 22                                    ½ of 30

¼ of 12                                    ¼ of 24                                    ¼ of 40

½ of 32                                    ¾ of 12                                    ¾ of 24


In the next two weeks we are also revising things we have looked at over the year. Any chances to talk about time what time it is (12 hour clock, analogue and digital) would be helpful.


Pages from class books to be read at home will be written down in the grids as usual.



More words that people have been finding tricky. Please could we practise them using our usual look, say, cover, write and check method and then write sentences using them?

Thursday                                 other

broke                                       ocean

gave                                        boat

            seat                                         whale

P1 Homework 12/03/18

Starting this week we have Miss Chloe Cummings, a teaching student, with us until June. She will be working alongside me and also having responsibility of the class later on in her placement. The children have met her several times and will welcome her and enjoy having her teaching them.

Reading: See the red card as usual and help your child learn their key words,

Phonics we will be learning the sounds ‘pl’, ‘sl’ and ‘sc’ this week.

World Book Day: Thank you to all who returned the quiz and the book reviews for the competition. Lily won the book review competition and Reuben won the quiz. Congratulations to Reuben and Lily and well done to all who took part.

Gymnastics will be on Tuesday the children seem to be working hard and enjoying it.

The Elves and the Shoemaker drama workshop has been rescheduled to this Friday after we missed it when the school was closed due to the weather.

Lisa Cumming.

P2 Homework W/B 12.3.18

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Spelling – List 28 ‘oy’

Reading – as usual ; check post-it notes please.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Gardener – Our school gardener Paulo was out last Friday and all children planted seeds in pots. The ground has been too frozen to plant anything outside. Paulo has asked if children can bring in empty plastic juice/water bottles ( 2 L would be great) so that they can construct bottle towers for germinating seeds in. Bottles are required by this Friday.

Library – children can choose new books this Friday so need to return their last one.


Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt