P2 Homework W/B 14.5.18

Hi all,

Homework this week:

Reading – we’ll continue with the poetry books but will have a book swap during the week. I’d like children to practise reading poems aloud, choosing one in particular to recite to the class or their group. This does not have to be memorised.

Spelling – we have completed the spelling lists which feature a sound blend each week. We will now practise words from the ‘First Hundred Common Words’. I will send home new spelling sheets on Tuesday so the red spelling jotters are now redundant.

Numeracy – We have been working on place value to 100 ( tens and units) and to 100 ( hundreds, tens and units). We have been developing mental strategies for adding two digit numbers together. For example: 24 + 12 is the same as saying 20 + 10 + 4 + 2 = 36 and 32 + 17 = 30 + 10 + 2 + 7 = 49 and so on.  I have put a challenge on Sumdog related to this, ‘P2 Place Value’.

Events this week:

National Numeracy Day – Wednesday 16th. Children will have a focus on numeracy in real life. Check out Twitter for updates during the day!

Dress Down Day on Friday – Can children please dress down and  bring a prize suitable for the tombola at the Summer Fair .

PE – Will be on Wednesday and Friday this week.

Library – please return library books and children will be able to choose a new one on Friday 18th.

Deep Sea World trip ( 4th June) – Children were given an information sheet with a permission slip to complete so please return this as soon as possible. Payment can be made to the office, to me or through Parentpay. I’m aware that the cost of this particular trip is high so if anyone has any difficulties paying this, please let me know.

Thanks for your support,

Miss S Brunt


P1 week beginning 7.5.18

Hope you all had a nice long weekend!

This week  in literacy we are continuing to look at rhyme and have covered “an” and “en” sounds. The children have had homework based on these. We are also looking at poetry writing and will be looking at acrostic poems tomorrow.

In numeracy we having been looking at subtraction and counting backwards from 20 to 0. This is something that many children are finding difficult so would be good if children could continue to practice this at home.

Tomorrow, we will have a workshop from the SSPCA. This will be from 9.00 9.30 for primary one to three.


  • Reading- new reading books were issued yesterday, children should continue to read these every night.
  • Common words- this week the common words are put, saw, no and go. These are in the green jotters.
  • Words in tins- children should continue to practice these.
  • Rhyme –  both tasks were issued on paper and should be completed in green jotters. 

    an- Yesterday our rhyming sound was “an”, can you think of 6 of your own “an” rhyming words and make a sentence using at least two of them. Please use your green jotters for this.

    Example- The man was in the van.

    en-  Today our rhyming sound was “en”, can you think of 6 of your own “en” rhyming words and write these using rainbow or bubble writing. Please use your green jotters for this.

Thank you for your cooperation

Miss Cummings.


P3 Homework from 8th May

Primary 3 Homework – 8th May to 15th May

Welcome back after the long weekend. I hope everyone had a nice break.

This week we are carrying on with measure, hopefully completing time and length and moving on to weight.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan




For numeracy I have sent home old Beat That challenges. This will let you see what we do. It would be great to put in a final burst of practice so that everyone can end the year at a high point. A few of the children have plateaued and just need a bit more practice to push up to the next level. The questions at each level are the same every week but in a different order.

Please keep asking children to tell you the time. It is also useful to get them converting between analogue to digital. Most pupils should be solid on o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past (12 hour clock). This week we will make the last step into dealing with ten past, twenty to etc. and AM / PM.

An excellent game for practising time conversions is


I would suggest playing at level 2 or 3 to start with. Hopefully we can play at 4 as the week goes on.



Reading grids will come home as usual. Again, if children have already read the pages in class it is still very helpful for you to hear them re-read some out loud. Quizzes may also come home to finish.




Words to practise this week:

letter               always

young              pencil

earth                story

reason             down

Please could everyone do the usual look, say cover, write and check (twice through the list) and then write sentences using as many of the words as possible.

P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 8th May 2018

Hi all,

Spelling – List 36 ‘aw’

Reading – Please check post-it notes in reading books. This week, I will also send home poetry books . This is to help prepare children to write their own poems for the up and coming school poetry competition. The stage of poetry book may be below your child’s current reading book but that is fine. Your child should find a poem he/she particularly likes to practise reading aloud with expression. Also be aware of which words rhyme and the structure of the poem.

Numeracy – In class, we’ve been studying 2 and 3 digit numbers in terms of place value i.e. hundreds, tens and units (ones).

The SSPCA will be visiting school on Thursday so P2 will go to watch and listen to their talk.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Summer Trip – P2 will go to Deep Sea World on Monday 4th June. This is part of our current project about the sea. Details to follow, with cost etc.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,




P7 Visit Loanhead’s new climbing Centre – EDEN ROCK

Primary 7 had an amazing opportunity to visit Eden Rock last week.  The new climbing centre is just a short walk from the school and we had a tour of the amazing world class facilities as well as learning tome tips and tricks.  The class picked it up really fast and by the end they were all really excited to tell friends and family and go and visit again in their own time.

Loanhead Primary are hoping to work with Eden Rock in the future to offer some exciting opportunities to all pupils.

Primary 3 Homework from 1st May

Primary 3 Homework – 1st May to 8th May

A big thanks to those who helped with our class walk on Wednesday looking at houses in Loanhead. Pupils are now using the photos they took to make Powerpoint presentations.

In maths we are moving on from fractions to look at measure. Having started with a brief recap of time, we will move onto length and then weight.

Please see below for two important notes about SumDog and reading homework.

Best wishes,

Mr Buchan



Wherever you see an analogue or digital clock, please get the children to say what the time is.

I have also set a measure-themed SumDog challenge. Please note that SumDog adjusts its level of difficulty as individuals play. This can lead to questions getting harder if pupils do well. If the questions get too hard, mistakes will then bring it down.

Measuring lengths – Look around the house and pick things that you estimate are 10cm, 30cm and 1m. Then measure them to see what length they really are. (If anyone needs to borrow a ruler let me know.)  Draw and write to show what you did. For example:

“I thought my mug was 10cm high, but really it was 18cm.”



Reading grids will come home as usual. Again, if children have already read the pages in class it is still very helpful for you to hear them re-read some out loud.

On Thursdays, any literacy quizzes that have not been finished in class will start coming home for completion. These are based on the reading books and work on key skills.

On Mondays I am having to write the next week’s reading homework onto grids. This is a because of a change in our P.E. times for the next few weeks, meaning I don’t have any time out of class to do this on Tuesdays as before. If on a Monday night, therefore, you see a book on the reading grid that your child does not yet have, please don’t worry about this. That will be the new book coming home the following day.


Spelling – Please could we practice the following words and then use them in some sentences:

yesterday        what

with                 when

village             were

cook                 moans

P1 Week Beginning 30/04/18

Hi All,

From now until the end of May Miss Cummings is the class teacher although I will be around helping out.

Sounds:  This week are  at,  in and og. The focus of this is rhyme. Homework will be coming out this week for this.

Reading: Please see the red cards as usual for reading and continue to revise all the words in their tin.

Spelling: All children have 4 new words in their green jotter, as usual thy don’t have to be done in the jotter – which ever way they want to learn them so they enjoy doing them.

PE has changed to a Wednesday morning.

Assemblies will alternate between Friday mornings and Thursday afternoons to allow for the future P1 to join in as part of their transition program.

Mrs Cumming


P6 Spelling Homework

Monday 30th April

Please READ< COVER< WRITE< CHECK all words twice in jotter.

Complete 2 activities from sheet at front of jotter.

For Monday 14th May