P2 Homework W/B Tuesday 8th May 2018

Hi all,

Spelling – List 36 ‘aw’

Reading – Please check post-it notes in reading books. This week, I will also send home poetry books . This is to help prepare children to write their own poems for the up and coming school poetry competition. The stage of poetry book may be below your child’s current reading book but that is fine. Your child should find a poem he/she particularly likes to practise reading aloud with expression. Also be aware of which words rhyme and the structure of the poem.

Numeracy – In class, we’ve been studying 2 and 3 digit numbers in terms of place value i.e. hundreds, tens and units (ones).

The SSPCA will be visiting school on Thursday so P2 will go to watch and listen to their talk.

PE – Wednesday and Thursday

Summer Trip – P2 will go to Deep Sea World on Monday 4th June. This is part of our current project about the sea. Details to follow, with cost etc.

That’s all for now,

Thank you,




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